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Run away

I just want to run away. Just run away from everything. I don’t want to even be with my self! Let’s not hang out together, let’s just be alone, that’s what I say to myself! No wonder no one wants to pursue me. Yet Lord, I have not run away, I have come away. For I have not run away, but I have run towards! Like Elijah, I’ve been on the run. When I was a sprinter, I’d run extra fast when I closed my eyes. I’d feel the rush, the sound of the air rushing past my ears. Several moments later I’d open my eyes and those that were beside me, were now behind me. I’ve been running in the spirit, now I open my eyes in the natural, and find myself alone in the wide open space. What is the point of the wide open space. Seriously what is the point! Yet here I find myself with no-one, and yet with the ONE! For wherever I go, I am not on the run, I am coming! For you are wherever I go! Yet you are no spectator! You want to be with me, when I don’t want to be with myself! How can this be?

Am I not the author of love?

For you, like Elijah are not alone! I am here!

I made a shelter, where there was none!

I provided food, where there was no provision.

I removed the shelter, for it was time to move on. For I heard your cry!

You said “I am the ONLY one left!”

For Elijah was one, but then became two.

For in my plan there was always two!

Have I not called you out?

Have I not set you apart!

Be holy for I am holy.

For I have purposed it, it shall stand.

What is the point you asked? So we could spend some quality time together.

For how shall you care for others, unless you receive my care?

Yet I feel so lost. I feel that I have lost myself. I no longer know where I am?

Yet you know I AM!

For the lost shall be found. For I came to seek and to save that which was lost. Take an opposite view, an opposing view…

For lost shall be found.

Weak shall be strong.

Poor shall be rich.

Despised and rejected shall be the foundation on which I build.

The broken piece, the discarded piece, the bloodied piece, the jagged piece, the piece that does not fit, is the pivotal piece, the key piece.

The piece that no one gets is the piece I prize.

You need not find yourself, for you are precious to me.

The one who loses his life for my sake shall surely find it.

The last one chosen, is the first one selected by me.

From the hollow place, there shall be a bursting forth.

You see it now don’t you. Rivers of living water in the desert. The wet in the place of the dry.

For this shall be the place of the turning.

Where the lack turns to overflow.

The isolated bring togetherness.

The ostracised, the outcast shall call out the dispossessed and reveal my treasured precious possessions.

There shall be an exchange the lack for the overflow.

Come closer, be not distant. Open your mouth, for your face is ravishing and your voice is soothing.

For the one shall impact the many.

Embrace, embrace that which you cannot grasp. For I have your back. You can rely on me.

In the place of care less, there is an abundance of care. In the place of no care, I Am.

For I have taken you back. You shall be taken back, you shall take back. Out of the dry place, out of the desert place, the place of without, shall come a fountain of overflow.

Like a root out of dry ground.

Expect the unexpected. Expect my goodness. Expect that which you think is impossible. Have I not done this before?

For this is the place of the turning. The place where you can turn neither to the right or the left. For you must move forward. I have given you the straight path.

Why look for any other source?

For I love to make something out of nothing!

Now about that book…



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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