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Rising Up

For you shall step upon that which rises up against you.

They shall be stepping stones.

As you cross over, one step, then another, step by step, precept upon precept.

For each step aligns with a precept.

The practical to go with the theory.

The oral, the written, the acquisition of knowledge, is demonstrated in the practical experience.

What is your experience?

What have you experienced?

What is it that you actually know?

For you shall be surefooted. For your steps are sure. Surely goodness and mercy are following in your footsteps, inhabit your footsteps. The precept, is the pre-step, the before step.

Apply what you have learnt. Apply the precept, to the flow, the principal shall become the principle.

The precept is the basis, is the foundation, is the thing that those who know not shall hold on to.

For the one who knows how to walk, must teach those who do not how. What are the first principals? Show me how, tell me how, walk with me, then let me walk – that is the approach.

Encourage, take courage from me, then give courage to them. Express my confidence.

What are the key ingredients?




Where is your confidence?

Take back your confidence, for it rises before you. Use it as a weapon. Crafted for this purpose. To cast out fear. To equip for battle. The full expression of faith. The inspiration to move forward. Make a proclamation of victory, in the face of defeat. For I am opposed to defeat. My name = victory. I have faced defeat, but never been defeated. What is it that can be lost?

Cast not away your confidence, which has great recompense of reward.

Pick up your confidence. Now that is a “pick me up”. Lift up your confidence and pick up yourself.

Let confidence arise.

You see the rise of the sun, for a new day has dawned, a new era of peace and prosperity has come.

Where is your exuberance?

How can your face appear so. Why so downcast?

For you have cast down your confidence!

What is your expectation?

For I have defeated, defeat. I have robbed death from the grave. I have stolen that which matters most from the grave. For it shall not be “very grave” it shall be a desolate place. The place designed for death, shall be the place of celebration.

Let’s get this party started!

What are you waiting for? What are you weighting for?

For the appointed time is here!

You wait for the breakthrough before the celebration. You wait for the victory to then celebrate my goodness.

For you are out of order!

Yes you are out of order!

You have things out of order!

First the celebration. Then the establishment.

First the rising up, then the up rising.

You see the growth curve, but in a moment the vertical line, the wall that you cannot climb.

Repeat after me “For He lifted me up out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a solid rock, head steadied my steps, and established my goings”

You expect to climb up out of the abyss. Yet what is my promise? What is my intent?

You will lift me up. You will place me upon an elevated rock. You will make my footing sure. It shall be a sure thing!

Thou sayest well!

You make me laugh. “Thou sayest well”

Your smile is what I take delight in! Just as you do with your beloved!

Lift up your hand, reach for mine, for there shall be an uprising, a rising up.

Is this not an essential step? Whether walking on water, slipping on the miry clay, the ordered step that causes a slip, My upholding righteous right hand is that which brings victory!

So give rise to exuberance, let it rise up, make room for it, permit it to rise, proclaim an uprising.

Now to expansiveness.

Is this not the key to limitation?

Your response to limitation is to be confined, or to rebel against confinement.

But you are out of order!

What I have placed within you, must burst forth, cannot be contained, cannot, SHALL not be restrained.

You take the strain, you become restrained.

No. Burst forth from the place of expansion.

For I have deposited a seed within you that shall take root, that MUST grow, that when released shall dominate the land where it takes root.

Expansion leads to domination.

You think expansion leads to collapse. You think your foundation is weak. Yet I AM your foundation.

“On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand”

For you shall not sink, no you shall in fact rise up. You shall stand upon that which rises against you.

Stand upon that which rises against you and be elevated, for you shall not be overwhelmed, but shall overwhelm!



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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