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Great outpouring.

From above to beneath.

Bursting forth.

A great bursting forth.

A huge torrent.

A great flow.

You carry the overflow.

A huge tipping point.

Upon the edge.

For it falls from the edge.

My waterfall.

A falling of great glory.

A giant oasis in the desert.

The place of great fullness.

The place of great glory.

Launch out.

Launch out into the deep.

Give it a push.

Release it into glory.

One of many great boats.

Shining amidst my glory.

Radiant with my glory.

An overflow of glory.

A release of glory.

Take your hands off my glory.

Release my glory.

Go with my flow.

Release my flow.

Feel the power of my flow.

For it pours from your pores when you pause.

For it pours from your pores when you pause.

Just pause and reflect.

Pause and reflect.

Show off my desire.

Bathed in my desire.

Clothed in my desire.

Exposed by my desire.

Don’t shake it off, release your grip.

Abandon all restraint.

Just let go.

As your sister said in summary “we must let go”, and again said “Let’s Go!”

Let’s go up against.

For you shall be my sprinkler, my irrigation system, my fountain, the tipping point into fullness.

A refreshing stream in the desert.

You can see it now can’t you?

Hundreds and thousands.

You have spoken well.

Let’s look it up.

Yes that is the one.

Sprinkles of Abundance…(June 15, 2015) A sprinkle here, a sprinkle there. Drops, seed, sand, dust, hundreds and thousands. Icing on the cake. Not singles, multiples, the insignificant smallest thing, multiplied as it falls from your hand. Cast the seed, the drop, the grain, the dust, the powder in power transforms that which is touched by it. Psalms 72:16 There shall be abundance of grain in the soil upon the top of the mountains [the least fruitful places in the land]; the fruit of it shall wave like [the forests of] Lebanon, and [the inhabitants of] the city shall flourish like grass of the earth. Covered by powder, covered in power. On the surface, but then, the ground transformed by that which covers it. Like fertiliser, it rests on the surface but then penetrates beneath! Subtle impact, rapid impact. Seen but not seen. On the surface, but under the surface. Slow change. A morphing of the old with the new. An additive that births multiplication. Unprecedented growth. Before fertiliser slow growth, after fertiliser super fast growth. Like in the desert. What would happen in months shall take weeks. Like a flash. You will move so fast that everything around you will move in slow motion. You shall find yourself walking on the desert plain, then suddenly a bursting forth all around. For I am pulling forth the fruit from the ground. The ground shakes, but you shall not be shaken. Stand on that which is solid. You shall not need to brace yourself. Just hold on to that which you cannot grasp. The is the harvest I have promised. Walk in expectation of abundance, abundance shall be yours. Abundance is possessing that which multiplies. That is why I have called you to be confident, exuberant and expansive.

You are my fertiliser, subtle impact, rapid impact, growth like nothing you have seen before.

You feel it don’t you?

The hundreds and thousands.

For this is no small thing.

The multiplied multiples.

Sown in the desert.

Sown in the famine.

Reaping a hundred fold increase.

For you have noticed something.

The addition of the multiple, not the addition of the single.

You invite the one, but I am sending the many.

You cannot contain me.

For what is it I have shown you?

The crazy image of myself trying to carry the overflow, like a bundle of fullness, bathed in a torrent of fullness, trying to wrap my arms around fullness. Such a laugh! For it drips upon the ground creating a flood.

For you possess my overflow.

For you possess my fullness.

It oozes from the walls of containment.

You see this flashback now…

Sitting in the dungeon with no doors or windows, just thick walls of concrete. Then a dripping off the walls, at first a drop, then a stream, then a fountain bursting forth from the place of the drain. More and more pouring out, more and more beyond that which can be contained. Then a great uprising. A great rising up. A lifting up of that which contains. Like an elevator rising up for the depths of the ground, bursting forth like a fountain, popping like a cork of a great bottle of celebration, released from the depths to rise to the highest place. From the place of containment to the place of great authority.

For I am rising up within you.

I am standing to my feet.

The posture of the upright.

The place of the risen.

The place of the upstanding.

For that which was foretold, now comes to pass.

More than you expect, so much more than you expect, for the empty places shall be filled – my decree!



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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