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Prophesy this….

A coming together.

A re union.

A coming together again.

The new encountering the old.

The old encountering the new.

The old coming together with the new.

A union of the old and the new.

A renewal of the old.

A momentous moment of great momentum.

A gathering.

A gathering of the old in the presence of the new.

A recollection.

A re collection.

A gathering together of a collection.

The melding of the old and the new.

A remantling.

The placing of new power on the old covering.

A recovering.

A new covering.

The shaking of the hand.

The shaking of the hands.

The firm connection between the old and the new.

The wrinkled hand with the hand of a youth.

The embracing of the old.

The embracing of the new.

The coming together.

The two coming together.

The struggle to come.

The tyranny of distance.

The pain of the restriction.

The loss of what was.

The taking away of the old.

The absence of their presence.

The presence of their absence.

The tears of remembrance.

The delightful memories.

The flashback.

The mixing.

The mixing of emotion.

The tearing of the heart.

The recollection of the old.

The valley of the bones.

The pain of the loss.

The pain of the gain.

The power of the presence.

Embrace that which you cannot grasp.

For I am here.

For I am here.

For “I AM” is here.

Will you come?

Will you respond to my invitation?

My invitation for a reunion?

What a wonderful event!

An event of wonder!

The opportunity to reflect.

To reflect upon.

To reflect upon each other.

To observe what has changed.

To celebrate transformation.

To reminisce.

To ponder on the wonder.

To ponder in wonder.

To pour out my courage.

Be encouraged.

Fill yourself with my courage.

Let my courage flow.

For now is the time to arise.

The rising up.

The up rising.

The moving of position.

The re connection.

The celebration of what was and what is to come.

The opportunity for healing.

Feel the power of my restoration.

Be restored as you unite.

Share the stories of the past and present.

Celebrate the joy.

Be lifted up with joy.

Come into my courts with thanksgiving.

Celebrate my goodness.

Say unto yourself “my goodness”

Pour out my goodness.

Let my goodness flow.

For it flows upon you.

For it overflows upon you.

Fan the flame of my goodness.

Let the fire of my presence flow.

Ignite the flame.

Set the pilot light.

Feel the presence of my love.

For my love has hold of you.

My banner over you is love.

You can see it now.

I’m putting the streamers up.

I’m blowing up the balloons.

For now is the time to celebrate.

Clap your hands oh ye gates. Let the King of glory enter in.

For it is I that pours into your cup.

You will experience my run off, if you don’t run off.

Feel my fire once again.

For my fire rages within you.

In the stillness and in the quiet.

In the place of desolation.

In the place of devastation..

I am here.

For you cannot contain yourself.

My presence rises within and without.

Let go of your worries, only one thing is needed, just be still and know.

For the time of your rising is here.

Be still and know.

Reflect my joy and delight.

Pour out my joy and delight.

Celebrate my joy and delight.

For my oil of joy flows in the place of mourning.

Sprinkle my joy here and there.

Have a joy fight, not a mud fight.

Splash my joy all around.

Celebrate my presence with joy.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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