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Return to Form

Return to form

The place of the return.

The coming back.

The place where you shall come back.

For this is the season of the come back.

For I am calling you back to form.

From out of shape to in shape.

A new shape.

A return to form.

A return to the place of the forming.

A new formulation.

A new shape.

A new moulding.

A remoulding.

A re modelling.

A new model.

An instrument of harvest.

A means of attraction.

From out of shape to in shape.

A new shape, a better shape, a newly formed shape.

No need to get in shape.

No need to reframe your shape.

Just walk with me.

Just walk.

Walk this way.

Walk with the way.

For you are my handiwork.

You shall see my hands at work.

Time to throw out the old moulds.

Time for a new shape.

An object of fine art.

A work of the master.

The taking of the shape.

Say to yourself “things are taking shape”.

Say to yourself “I’m alive”.

Say to yourself “better than before”.

You pause and wonder why everything feels so much like a melting pot.

Yet now you know, now you have knowledge, now you feel it within your bones.

The clearing.

The clearing out.

The throwing out.

The refusal of the refuse.

The refuse of the rubbish.

The throwing out of the old, the reshaping in to the new.

You see it now don’t you…

The throwing of the precious, of that which is precious into the boiling fire, into the melting pot.

How do you feel, describe it for me?

The pain, the loss, the absence of what matters to me, the pain, the hurt, the loss of substance, the burning up of all my effort, a great bonfire of pain.

I feel your pain, the longing of your heart, the sense of loss, yet it is not as it seems.

It is not as it seems.

Do not come to your senses.

Do not come and ask your senses for advice.

Give no heed to that which is sensible.

Forget all that had form.

Forget all the former things, the former experiences, the former engagements, the former relationships, the former treasure.

For it has no bearing.

When you say to yourself “I can’t bear this pain anymore!”

I say unto you “it has no bearing”

It has no bearing.


It is time to get another bearing.

Take another reading.

Check the gauges again.

Define a new measure.

Better still have no measure.

What is it you see now?

The tearing up, the tearing up of the contract, the tearing up of my life, the place of many tears. An old man greeting his friends with a broad smile!

You have observed well my son.

For that shall be you one day, for I has set your course, I have ordered your steps, your destiny rests within my hands not yours.

You see that which is precious fall into the melting pot, but cannot see beyond that moment.

I think you are only focusing on the first part, but cannot allow yourself to go beyond.

You can’t throw out the old.

You think it defines you.

You think this was your best work, and now all is lost, and want to end the story there.

You have already written the title “The place of the tearing”

But I am not publishing that!

It is time to make way for the new.

For the new is here.

A reshaping of the old.

A manifesting of the new.

For it shall be golden.

Better than before.

For it shall take a new form, the form of newness.

You have already seen the work of my hands.

Yet what I have in store is so much more than you expect.

Beyond all expectation.

For the time of the new birth is here.

Rebirth, a re birthing, a new thing from the old thing, like nothing seen before.

For I am tearing up your tears, that which caused you such pain, for it is time to write a new manifesto and watch me manifest it.

For it unfolds before.

From one fold to another, from one opening to another.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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