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Come again?

Come again!

What was it that you said?

For there is no shrinking back.

For there is no diminishing of your potential.

For there is no shrinking in my natural order.

Only growth and multiplication.

My words are as strong today as in the beginning.

Be fruitful and multiply.

First the seed, then the burial, then the sprouting, then the branching, then the budding, then the flowering, then the fruit, then the dissemination of the seed.

For the flower cannot go back into it’s bud.

The butterfly comes out of the cocoon.

The chicken leaves it’s shell.

The child leaves the womb.

Yes but the tortoise retracts his head.

For he carries with him the shell of protection. The shield of protection.

For when the predator comes, he can retreat to his shelter. Yet he does not contain himself, or restrain himself. For his protection is only for a single purpose.

Is this not my example of being a fortress that goes out, for he carries his protection with him.

Yet today as always I have made you a mighty fortress, and given you divine strength that no power can overcome.

For the one who possesses my strength, my confidence, my reward, my power has no need of protection.

For you shall not retract yourself like the tortoise, you shall extend yourself, like the strong one lending a hand to the one who is weak.

For my power flows upon you, rests within you and surrounds you.

It is your destiny to multiply.

For my plan was always to bring wholeness, yet to multiply and cover that which was broken.

For the seeds of the dandelion break away from the stem. The fragment sporns another stem. Growing and multiplying is my intent.

But there is so much more.

Your enemy wants you to stay in the cave.

You want to stay in the shelter.

But I am calling you out.

You want to retract the nib.

You want to put away the pen.

You want to put away your self.

You want to deny yourself.

You don’t want anyone to know who you really are.

You’d rather be Clark than reveal yourself.

But I say again unto you, COME OUT of seclusion my shy and modest dove, let me see your face, let me hear your voice, for your face is ravishing and your voice is soothing.

You’d rather deflect everyone’s attention to the object of your affection, and still her glory radiants into every corner of the room.

You long to see the smile on her face, just as I long to see the smile upon yours!

For I am lifting up your countenance, you can count on it.

You can see it again now, so intensely, like stepping into another dimension.

You hear the roar of the crowd, cheering louder and loud. The voice of gladness echoing across the land.

Yet here your find your beloved in the dungeon, partially dressed and yet staring at this most wonderful dress laying on the bed.

It is your delight to help her put it on and escort her up to the place of her coronation.

You rest your hand upon her shoulder, fondly supporting and affirming of her greatness.

You think that all the cheering is just for her, and you are happy for her to have all the attention.

But now look again, what is it you see?

Your hand upon my shoulder, fondly supporting me, and affirming of my greatness.

Just as you glory in your family, so I glory in you.

It is time to rise again, to reflect the beauty of my glory in the place of the ashes.

For you are my chosen candidate, I am putting you forward, for there shall be no retraction, only traction.

For you shall have progress, for I am putting you in the place of forward movement.

Pulled forward, placed forward, on a pedestal for all to see.

For I have broken the mantle of shyness.

In its place a fresh coat, a royal coat.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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