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What I have gifted you is restorative.

When you look upon.

When you look upon your hands, all you see is the mud and the mire.

Look again what do you see?

Shoots sprouting from the soil that rests in my hand.

And again?

Steam rising from the soil into the atmosphere, then from the ground all around, then the fire of your light permeating through the steam.

Just like Peat Moss, look it up!

Individual peat moss plants consist of a main stem, with tightly arranged clusters of branch fascicles usually consisting of two or three spreading branches and two to four hanging branches. The top of the plant, or capitulum, has compact clusters of young branches. Along the stem are scattered leaves of various shapes, named stem leaves; the shape varies according to species. The leaves consist of two kinds of cells: small, green, living cells (chlorophyllose cells), and large, clear, structural, dead cells (hyaline cells). The latter have the large water-holding capacity.

For in your mind that which is dead has no value.

Yet in the natural that which is dead contains great value.

That which is dead provides clarity and structure. Selah!

That which is dead provides the means to restore, to bring forth life.

There are so many things that you would rather leave dead and buried, yet in my world even that which is dead has value.

You see the steam rising, you feel the heat rising. For that which cannot be discerned shall be revealed.

Let me say that again “For that which cannot be discerned shall be revealed”.

For when you are at a distance, you cannot feel the temperature rise, but you can see the manifestation of it.

For that which is contained, must be released, that which was held in storage must be available for use.

That which you would rather stayed dead, shall now bring forth clarity and structure.

For that which is living may appear small and of little value, yet that which lies beneath shall be a reservoir of revelation, a life changer, a climate changer, an atmosphere changer.

And what is it used for?

Peat Moss - Uses
Soil Conditioner, that increases the soils capacity to hold water and nutrients.
Preserves plant fragments and pollen to allow reconstruction of past environments.
When dried used for insulation material.
Used as a dressing for wounds.
Inhibits growth of fungi and bacteria, so assists to preserve plants in transit.
Used as a potting mixture to cultivate Orchards.
Used to make bread during famines.

For that which I have placed in your hand is restorative.

That which you’d rather consider dead and lifeless, shall increase capacity, shall insulate you from the cold of winter, shall bring healing to your wounds, shall bring forth the best from your past experiences, your past environments.

When they ask of you, “Does this hold water?” You will confidently say “Yes!”

Why so surprised that what I have given you is the means to cultivate an Orchard?

For that which you considered dead, shall be the means to bring forth life.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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