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Evoke a response.

Awaken a response.

From that which not moving to that which responds.

Awaken desire.

Awaken love.

Evoke a response.

Provoke a response.

Move that which is immovable.

Bring movement to that which was not designed to move.

Draw something out of nothing.

Get something unexpected.

Honey from the rock.

Oil from the flinty rock.

For you expect nothing to come from that only contains itself.

For how does honey come from a rock you ask?

For it is drawn out of it.

For it is sucked from out.

For it responds to your touch.

Yet you would expect fire from the flinty rock, and yet I give you oil!

The one starts a fire, the other keeps it going.

One creates a spark, the other ignites.

One makes an impact, the other flows over in refreshment.

For there is a natural response.

The hairs rising in response to alarm.

The heart quickening in response to such beauty.

The passion rising in response to the caress.

The embrace in response to the look of love.

And yet there is a supernatural response.

The wounds healed by your touch.

That which is broken repaired in response to your touch.

The restoration of joy in the heart of mourning.

For I have given you the power to exchange loss for gain, to repair and to bring wholeness from the fragments.

And then there is the unnatural response.

The rock oozing honey.

The rock bursting forth with a fountain of oil.

For I like to mix it up.

For you should expect more.

Expect the unexpected.

Unexpect what you expected.

For you think cause and effect.

I think presence and then response.

For you look at the immovable and expect no movement.

I look at the mountain and expect it to move.

You look at the raging water and see no way to cross.

I look at it as a means to make faster progress.

You look at what is against you and take a step back.

I look at what is against you and take a step forward.

For I expect movement.

I expect a response.

I move anticipating a response.

This is why you cannot get that picture out of your mind.

Taking your future wife in your arms and kissing her with such passion and reckless abandon.

For you act like it is merely a fantasy.

You act like it would never happen.

You dismiss it outright. For you would not make such a move as you declare yourself unwilling to provoke such a response.

And yet when you asked her to reveal herself to you, your boldness resulted in an unexpected response.

For you look at the unresponsive and expect no movement.

Reach out your hand.

Be unafraid.

Be expectant.

Be reckless.

Abandon all reason, all reasonableness.

Be unshy about it.

Be so bold as to act without question.

Cross the line.

Find yourself over the line.

For you look back on that moment and wonder how it could be that you even asked the question, and the response completely blew your mind.

Her beauty rests in your mind decades later.

Her response lingers in your life every moment.

Evoke a response.

Expect a response.

Be bold.

Be presumptuous!

For you have my endorsement.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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