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Stability in the storm.

For the storm rages all around.

Tossed by the waves, wave upon wave, it splashes your face, it soaks your face, it washes your face, you struggle to see.

Yet you hear my voice.


Come, come out, step out, come forth, step over, in the place of instability, step out, step out of the boat that rocks.

Step on that which causes the rocking, step on the turbulence, step on that which has no stability.

For at each step, there shall be stability, for each wave there is a step. I have crafted the step, I have flattened the path.

For that which is solid forms beneath your feet as you walk.

This is the second crossing, the first on dry ground, the second on the water!

In each, there was a crossing, a traversing of the boundary. First I parted the waters, in the second I walked upon the water.

The first a supernatural intervention, the second a stepping on that which impeded progress.

For it matters not what is beneath you, if I have commanded you to walk.

In the place of fire you walked, in the place of the dead end, you moved forward, in the place of blocked, in the place of the wall you passed through, in the place where no one would cross, you came.

For it is the response I am seeking, it is the attraction to my word I enjoy. Be not distracted by the storm, hear and respond to my word.

When you can’t see, when you don’t feel, when your body won’t co-operate, just respond to my voice. Here the words I speak.

For my word is ALL POWERFUL, it contains all that is necessary to accomplish my purpose. I need no props, I need no equipment, I need no armour, I need no resources, I do not need your backing, just your response.

What is your response?

The movement of the weak, the palsied, the lame, the crawl, the step of the exhausted, the movement of the tired, the wrung out, the worn out, the weary, overcomes, shall overcome.

For this is the step of those out of joint, coming into alignment, the setting right of those without strength.

And cut through and set right. For I am your shortcut.

Walk with me and immediately you are on the other side.

Step on that which overwhelms and overcome. Be not be overcome, just come over.

I’m coming over, just come with me, just come.

Here take my hand. I’ll uphold you, I’ll hold you up, without holdup. Let’s move together, step by step, precept by precept, line by line. I’ll spell it out for you, I’ll walk with you, pace it out for you.

Be not distracted by that which comes against you, for I am for you.

If I am for you, why does it matter what comes against?

For I am opposed to that which opposes you. Can anything prevent my movement? Does anything cause me to stop in my tracks?

Do I ever need to pause and wonder how to move forward?

For I am the way. My name = “The Way”. For when there seems to be no way, the one who is called “the way” steps in. Walk with me and you shall make progress, you shall walk in the valley, you shall scale the heights, you shall cross over, you can’t be stopped.

My step impacts that which is beneath, it does not rely on the circumstance, the strength of the ground for it’s support. It needs nothing to support it.

“For in Him we live and move and have our being”

Not in circumstance, not in strength, not by power or might but by my spirit you live and move and have your being!

You look to the ground to support you, yet I am the rock beneath your feet, I am the one who brings life, causes movement and brings you into existence.

When I tell you to cross over, what is your response?

To look for a means of transport, to look for a means to stay afloat, for the mechanisms to drive forward.

Did I ask you for this?

What is the cause of your struggle? What causes you to think like this? How did this come into your being?

Have you not seen, have you not been paying attention?

How many times have you turned up, unprepared, ill equipped, struggling to just get to the meeting?

The meeting you regard with great testimony, you testify about, you had 4 hours sleep and no opportunity to prepare, and yet who arranged everything for you?

Who set the table?

Who provided the food?

Who gave you the answers?

Who told you to come?

Who showed you the outcome?

Did I not say your cup would run over???

7.5hrs later did you not experience my overflow?

What was the consequence of your response?

Only your response matters?

Will I not give you the words?

For don’t even need a script!

At the last meeting, did you not feel so unprepared, so without a clue?

Yet you asked me to put words in your mouth, and expected me to fill the gap.

Was I unprepared? Was my hand shortened so I could not help? Was I stopped in my tracks?

For neither you or the client had a clue, you had come to the end of yourself, and had no thoughts for a way forward. Yet did I not lead through you towards a great outcome? Did I not produce stability in the place of instability? Did you not go from weakness to strength, from the place of discomfort to comfort. Was not the outcome better that you all expected!

Am I not the master of life, of movement and of being?

Have I not ordered your steps, have I not commanded your steps?

Why did the outcome, come to you as a surprise?

Did I show say, take your enemy for a walk, until they become your friend.

Did you not prophesy this over them? Are they not walking with you?

Does my word have any less power, when it is on your lips?

Is it not my word that compels the outcome?

“Nevertheless at YOUR WORD, on the ground of your word, I will lay down the net”



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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