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Can you feel it?

Can you feel it?

Place your hand upon it.

For it shall resonate with you.

For it resonates with me.

For has a resonance.

Subtle at first.

A mild tremor.

A certain amplitude.

A certain cadence.

A certain movement.

Like the footsteps of a giant.

A tremor followed by silence.

Then you hear it.

Then you feel it.

Soon you shall see it.

It is just the way I move.

It is just a sign of my movement.

It is just to cause a stir.

Yet watch this.

You place your hand upon the ground and it shakes in your hand.

You remove your hand and there is quietness and stillness.

For this ground resonates with you.

It feels the impact of your hands.

It is a sign.

It is merely a sign.

It is merely an indication of what is to come.

For before you.

For it rises before you.

I am stirring things up.

Like a root out of dry ground it comes.

Like a root out of dry ground it shall come.

Like a seed bursting forth.

For this shall be no subtle thing.

No ordinary thing.

No ordinary growth.

No coming back in a year to see the shoot.

No rough edges here. No indication from whence the tree came.

For in the ordinary thing, it is a slow subtle growth. The seed forming a sprout.

In the slow thing there is no disturbance.

Yet it will NOT BE SO FOR YOU!

In a moment in an instant it shall rise before you.

The very ground breaks to make way for my growth. The giant tree rises before you.

In a second.

Just hold on a second.

Just wait a moment.

Just take a breath.

Just blink your eyes.

And there it rises before you.

From a small seed resting under the ground, shall burst forth a giant oak.

One after the other.

One next to the other.

You will see the earth shift before you, to make room for my growth.

Explosive growth.

Monumental growth.

Monuments to my goodness.

For you know what you saw, before!

At the time of the burial.

At the time of passing of the past.

At the time of the end.

In the place of the end.

These words from my lips

“For I have set before you a land of opportunity”

And you saw the giant cracks forming in the ground. Deep crevices, giant fissures.

For you know what I mean.

For I recall the fissure.

For you shall recall the fissure.

For I have opened this ground.

I am quickening this seed.

Accelerated growth.

In a moment abundance.

Explosive abundance.

For I am restoring all that was lost.

For in the desolate place, there shall be abundance.

In the place of your greatest loss, I am providing your greatest gain.

A substitution.

For you shall know what abundance looks like. The hundred fold increase in the time of the famine.

Let’s start with a hundred.

For you have started with a hundred.

As you said, first the hundred, then the thousand. The hundreds and thousands.

For this shall be the work of my hands.

My gift to you.

Isaiah 44:3-4
For I will pour water upon him who is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground. I will pour My Spirit upon your offspring, and My blessing upon your descendants.
And they shall spring up among the grass like willows or poplars by the watercourses.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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