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And when the residue is washed away.

And when the feeble thing is no more.

And when that which remains is no more.

And it was moulded by my hands.

An intricate thing.

That which was made with care and precision.

Not an ordinary thing.

For you can see it forming before you.

Taking shape.

Taking an unusual shape.

Not shaped by the storm.

Not a natural looking thing

An unnatural thing.

Shaped by my own hands.

Watching in awe and wonder.

I see you watching with awe and wonder.

I see wondering what this will be.

First a valley.

Then you see the walls taking shape.

A different boundary.

A retaining wall, without a purpose?

For it appears to be without a purpose.

It is not as it seems.

For it is not as it seems.

You think it is merely a new container.

You think it would make a great swimming pool.

Yet there is more to be revealed.

There is more than meets the eye.

New shapes form.

New pillars form.

Then you see the stairs.

The magnificent stairs.

Made of marble.

As the sand is washed away you see the stairs of what looks like an ancient palace.

And then you feel the overwhelming power of the flow.

Awakening upon the other side.

Rising up from the sand you see me sweeping away the residue.

Washing away the sand that remains.

And then what is it you see?

A beautiful sunrise shining like a beacon through the doors of the palace. Peering through the doors I see the waves of a beautiful beach crashing upon the shore.

For that which overwhelms you subsides before you.

In the great washing, comes great restoration.

For you see me putting out the chairs in expectation of their arrival.

You see the resilience of that which I have built for you.

For my building was designed to withstand the flow of my presence.

My building was designed to reveal the fullness of my presence.

I’m setting the tables, I’m preparing for their arrival.

This place will be known as “The last resort!”

For you see that all you have left is residue.

Yet this is merely the evidence of the enormity of the flow that has been in this place.

For in the residue you shall see a residual.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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