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What does this represent Lord?

Am I not present?

For I am here.

For “I am” is here.

Yet how do I best represent you?

For it is not in the clothes.

It is not in your strength.

It is not in your power.

It is in your smile.

For my joy is your strength.

For when you know the end, how the story ends you can only smile.

Yet Lord all I see is darkness, intense darkness, theft, robbery, exile, separation… All I feel is pain, tiredness, weariness, pressure.

Yet it is I that has called you out.

It is I that has called you up.

It is my hand that lifts you up.

For it is not possible for you to stay down.

You represent my rising.

As the sun rises, so shall you arise.

Beaming across the land.

For your ascension is now. Now is the time of your rising.

Try as you might to hold on to that which is left, it is time to clear out the old and make way for the new.

As you make room, establish a clearing, I am preparing the new.

For that which is to come is nothing like that which was before.

What is it you see?

The young shepherd boy wearing the kings armour.

What does this picture represent?

The new placed upon the old.

For you have spoken well.

For in that moment, at that time, how does it feel?

Uncomfortable. Not appropriate. Pretensious Out of order Premature

Interesting, but that is not how I would describe it…

Here is how I see it…

Prophetic A statement of potential A symbol of my intent A representation of my desire An expression of my purpose A taste of things to come. The future placed upon that which is present.

For you represent the future.

My intent is for you to display what the future looks like.

For the future stands in stark contrast to the present.

Like a beacon it shines across the land.

Did I not say that nations will come to the brightness of your shining?

For it is time to reflect.

It is time to reflect my glory.

For that which is to come cannot be stopped.

I have set the flow in motion and nothing can prevent it’s impact.

For what is it you see?

A pushing against a giant door, trying to close it with all might and power. Yet the raging torrent, the tidal wave of the flow presses more and more against it. The level rises the more I press against it.

Did I not speak of the tipping point?

Why so surprised that the flow pours out across the land?

For it is immaterial what comes against you, as my word has gone out.

This land shall flow with milk and honey.

The seed of peace and prosperity has been sown.

The future is now.

Forget the former things, behold I am doing a new thing, now it springs forth.

What was once a barrier will now be a blessing.

New placement.

New positioning.

New, behold the new, here comes the new.

It is time for something new.

It is time for someone new.

The time of your rising is here.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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