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When peace like a river attends to my way.

When seas rage and billows roll

What ever my lot, you have taught me to say “it is well with my soul”

All hail Jesus, all hail the Lord of heaven and earth.

All the saviour of the world.

Just feel my peace.

Just feel my peace.

For I give you my peace in exchange for your pieces.

At first a trickle.

Then a gentle, gentleness, my goodness and kindness flows across your parched land.

Just say “ahhhh”

Seriously, just say “ahhhh”

For I am your relief.

Let me say that again “I am your relief”

I am the one who relieves you.

I am the one who stands in your place, when you are absent.

I stand in your place, when you are unable to stand.

I will be your substitute.

Leave it with me, I promise I will do a good job.

You can trust me to take care of it.

When you return, you can expect things to be in order.

For I am placing everything in its rightful place.

For that which was out of order, will come into order.

Did I not say all things will fall…

All things will fall into place.

For now is the time, to be a peace and inhabit rest.

Yes inhabit rest.

Make rest your habit.

Make rest your habitation.

For you felt my rest invade your body yesterday didn’t you?

Yes the precursor, was a welling up of joy.

Yes for joy rises up, and peace attends to it.

For my joy rises up.

Look what is it you see?

Joy rising up. I cannot describe it, but I see it, I feel it.

For you shall overcome with great joy.

For your joy overcomes all, invades all, pervades all, surrounds all, covers all, makes everything complete.

For now is the time I will complete my work.

For now is the time of completion.

For the work is done.

Yes for the work is done.

I have done the work.

For I will lead you by unfamiliar paths.

For I want you to experience that which you are not familiar with.


Pure joy…

Unadulterated joy.

Incorruptible joy.

For my delight is upon you.

Be clothed in my delight.

Be full of my delight, for it shall be delightful.

For I am rejecting that which rejected you.

I am saying no, to the word no.

I am giving you the thumbs up.

I am turning the no, into a yes.

For what shall be, comes at my command.

I say to it, “come here” and it comes, it comes to pass.

I am calling a time out.

I am saying the words “time out”

For I am counting your enemy out.

For he will find himself on the “outs” and unable to be in.

For he storms out, but I have locked the door behind him.

He has put himself on the outs, and left you on the in.

For I am not kicking you out.

You will always have a place on the “In”

You need not be part of the “In crowd” for you are on my team.

“We were made in love, and love is casting out, every little fear, and casting out every doubt”

I have placed your enemy on the outs, and kept you in.

When he asks of you, I speak these words “he is with me!”

For I have broken that which contained you.

You see it now don’t you?

The outer shell broken, shattered upon the ground. The inner man rising from within

The birth of something new.

For your period of incubation is over.

“Great and glorious”



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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