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In the place of the turning, you shall have your turn.

In the place of the around and around, you shall have your turn.

In the place of the spinning.

In the place of the circling.

In the place of the walking around and around.

In the place of the wandering.

From the place of the wandering.

From the wandering to the wondering.

From the wandering to the exploring.

From the exploring to the possessing.

First the crossing over.

First the transitioning.

First the transforming.

From the slave to the free.

From the free to the one who possesses.

From the tenant to the owner.

From the one who was contained to the one who has broken that which contained.

For I have pushed you out.

For I have called you out.

For I have lead you out.

For you must be out.

Come out, come out wherever you are!

Be out, not in.

Be without restraint.

Break free from constraint.

Release yourself from bondage.

For what is it you see now?

What is it that binds you?

What is it that holds you back?

Once again you have taken me back.
Once again you have taken me back.
Back to the start.
Back to the very start.
In the pit of darkness.
In the gloom and the doom of the cell.
In the place of captivity your light shines.
I look up to see your light.
Yet I feel so restrained, so inhibited, like never before.

Yet what is it you see in your hands?

The master key. The Master's Key. The key that unlocks the prison door for all who are contained.

So how do you feel about that?

The cry of freedom explodes from my lips.

And in a moment EVERYONE is free!

For your enemy wants you to believe you are the one who is bound.

Yet you know what I want to say about that?

If you are bound, you are bound to be free, for who can keep freedom captive.

I feel the contention between my desire and my humanity.

Yet what you feel is my spirit contending with your spirit.

My spirit yearns to break free, to release freedom, to break the chains.

So it seems it is only a question of posture.

Your choice is to decide whether to curl up in a ball, or rise up and slay the dragon!

For you know the power I have given you.

To walk on water.

To scale any wall.

To lead them out.

You know what I mean.

For the breaker, breaks open and way, then the King leads them on the way through.

The more you try to restrain yourself the more you exhaust yourself.

The more you release yourself, the more my power is released.

I know what you are thinking…

I’m reminded of Maria’s analogy, the extravert is where the general parades around the outside of the tent, but if anyone pushes them too hard, they find the timid insecure person behind the tent who is easily overcome. The introvert is so much more powerful, as they have the appearance of timidity but if you enter the tent you find the general who cannot be overcome.

If you step back in fear, all you feel is the power of fear draining you.

If you step forward in courage, all you feel is the trembling feet of your enemy quaking in fear.

It feels the same but it is not the same.

For here you have found yourself compelled to move forward again.

For you know there is no going back from here.

I have announced your arrival, I have announced the birth, the birth of freedom.

For I have given you the power to break all that contains, to set the captives and the captor free.

It is no surprise to me, that what you now find in your hands, cannot be contained, cannot be restrained, knows no bounds, is without boundary.

It feels like a ball of overflowing water, that cannot be held in, cannot be defined, yet must make a splash, must overflow.

Consider this my nourishment for the seed, for my seed.

For the one who has been transformed, now has a transformer, now the means to transform.

For I am splashing my freedom all around.

For my flow knows no bounds, is without bounds, overflows upon the edge, cannot be contained, cannot be stopped, must be released to refresh.

Can you not hear it?

Can you not feel it?

The tremors, the shaking, the cracking open?

Yes, this is what the sound of freedom sounds like, feels like, is like.

First the breaking of the dam, then the release of my flow.

For you see it again now don’t you?

The standing on the precipice, on the edge of a Grand Canyon, and then a huge tsunami wave flows across the dry and barren landscape, filling it up with your fullness.

For my fullness has no bounds, is not restrained by your capacity to receive it.

For I have broken the containment lines.

And here you have found yourself on the other side.

And here you have found yourself in the land of the promise.

And here you have found yourself in the new.

And here you have found yourself in a foreign land.

And here you have found yourself in your land.

And here you have found yourself in the place of your possession.

And here you have found yourself in the land which you shall possess.

For you shall move forward with boldness.

For you shall utterly dominate your dominion.

For those who come against you shall fall at your feet.

For those who contend with you shall be content.

For those who oppose you shall receive more than they expected from you.

For I will overwhelm them with my goodness and kindness, my fullness in the place of their emptiness.

No turning back.

For when my fullness arrives, my joy will propel you forward, my freedom will be contagious, my gift to you.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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