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Refreshing Fire

For in the way of the parting there will be a coming together.

For in the place of the wave, I will pave the way for you.

For in the place of the faded flags.

For in the path of the passing, I am giving you rite of passage. For in the path of the passing, I have given you passage. For the path of the passing shall be your coronation.

For I am paving the way for you.

I have set before you this path, this passage.

For you shall see the washing over. You shall see the passing of that which was past. You will see the washing, the waving.

For in the place of the passing you will shine. For I am shining my spotlight upon you. As you look to the right or the left all that was fades away, is washed away.

Everywhere you put your foot there shall be a parting, a parting to make way, to make waves.

Awash with my goodness. Awash with my flow, my overflow. For my fullness shall wash away the lack.

Yet I have set before you the path of fire.

I have lit the path with my fire.

Sparks of fire, celebrations of fire.

Bursts of fire.

Accolades of fire.

My confirming fire.

My joy overflowing.

My joy bursting forth.

Down the narrow path to the wide open place.

For I have set this stage.

I have bathed this stage in my fire.

Intricacies on display, embers on display, paintings of fire, patterns of fire.

The fire place.

The place of fire.

As the sparks fly upwards there shall be an exchange.

For the embers fall into my stream.

For that which burns shall be transformed.

That which was burned shall come alive.

For the burnt up thing shall become a living thing. The ember shall spark again, the ember shall get fired up, that which is to come shall be transformed. For that which sparks shall become a school.

For the dead flys into the fire and comes alive. For the fire contends with that which flows against it. For it flows down upon the fire. It rains upon the fire but it cannot be dampened by it. For the sparks fly upward. For the sparks bring life to that which flows.

For I have set the stage for your arrival.

For I compel you not to conform, not to perform, let me do the performance.

For the time is not now.

Yet the time is coming where my fire will flow upon you like never before.

For you were not meant to be a participant but a prophet, to proclaim my goodness, to bring forth my goodness, to make a spectacle of my goodness.

For is no man made thing. This is my thing. For I will do my thing.

For when I give you the microphone, there will be a moment when everything changes. For there will be silence. There will be a shift, from all the noise and the hype, all will lie in awe and wonder at the works of my hand. Just release your breath and they will be blown away.

For in the nexus.

In the meeting place.

In the connecting place.

In the place of the intersection of the flow and the fire, a radical transformation will take place.

For it shall be hot and steamy in the place where fire and water meet.

Bursts of steam shall at first cloud the way. But as the sparks fly the clouds will clear and the way will become clear.

The drawing, in the place of the drawing, in the drawing, that which was drawn by your hand shall come to life, shall become manifest.

Not the small thing but the large thing.

No small fish.

As you peer over the edge of the giant container wondering where the flow has come from.

For it flows over the edge, it flows upon the edge. You look from whence the flow came but know that it came from within and flows to that which was without.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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