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Why don’t you tell me how it is?

No really, don’t be shy about it, I can handle it!

You don’t need to worry about what you say to me, for I know what to say in response.

For I know the plan, I know the plans I have for you I know the outcome from the start.

There is nothing you can tell me that I don’t already know.

For I know what you are going to say before you say it…

So come on, bring it on, let me have it.

No seriously let me have it, just give it to me.

For my tears pour out all over your plan Lord! I hold on to it with all my might, with my last waking breath, and yet what you have given me, I can contain no more. No more, no more, I said “when”, a loooong time ago, but yet you still pour out. In the driest place, in the barren place, in the desperate place, in the desolate place you pour out. We sit around and talk about supernatural increase, yet we present our thimbles for you to fill. What the heck! I could just bear it, if my expectation was small, yet you told me to GET MY HOPES UP! Then when I show up, and take my brave pills and tune it to what you are doing, what is it you show me? A flood, a great outpouring, a river, a torrent, a clearing away of all obstacles. A great breaking of chains, the largest chains, the chains that are permanent fixtures, broken in my hand, all of them, ALL of them, just crumbling in my hand. Then the tears flow, but no-one notices. Why the tears?

They were not your tears, they were mine….

For I must burst forth, I must overflow in the place of lack.

I saw the lost, the broken, the dry, the damaged, the desolate and I had to express myself.

I shall rend the heavens and come down.

You wonder why you were there.

For I put my words on the lips of your beloved.

She calls out for more, yet from her inmost being I pour out.

She asks for more of me, and yet I have put my words upon her lips….

For she tells it like it is when she speaks of me.

For it shall be as she describes.

Like breaking through the veil, like breaking through the storm, her words shall break through.

For I have placed her hand upon the receiver.

Yet you are my amplifier, my magnifier, my antenna, my draw card, my instrument.

Through you I will enter in, I will come in, I will in habit, I will make my habitation, I will take up residence.

“Stay with me, stay with me”

“Stay with me until now is forever”

What else did I show you?

I looked over and saw the broken treasures, the jewellery boxes broken, and felt the pain of the loss. Then you turned me around to look again..

Yes look again, what is it you see?

A great overflow, pouring out from the broken place, gushing forth, like a fountain. You mess me up Lord!

Yes I have broken the box, I have released the fragrance of blessing, that which invades the atmosphere.

For I am transforming the climate, from one of loss, to one of joy, of abundance, of extravagance.

For surely, for only, the wealthy adorn their home with such fragrance.

Before I speak a word Let me hear your voice And in the midst of pain Let me feel your joy ’Cause You are my treasure And my reward Let nothing ever come before…

For today this day I will lift the load from your shoulders.

Yes feel the lightness in your being…

For I have released you.

I have turned on the tap…

I have released the flow…

Now it shall pour out like never before.

For the desolate shall experience my fullness.

What is it you see? What is it you now feel?

Refreshing water, pools of refreshing water, bathing in refreshing water, great refreshing

For this is a great time of refreshing.

For I shall quench the thirst of my people.

Say to them be refreshed, for great refreshment is here!

For my flow restores, my flow shall heal this land, shall render the barren fertile.

Those who have closed their womb, shall give birth, beyond their wildest conception. They shall give birth to a surprise, something that they did not conceive, something beyond their wildest imagination.

They will pause in wonder, for that which was unexpected shall come, shall come to deliver them.

Do not be alarmed, do not fear, for I have got you covered…

Yet it is time to come out, time to be uncovered, exposed, vulnerable, let your light shine, for my glory is revealed upon you.

Trust me it shall be glorious, a time of great glory, of abundant, abundance, multiplied blessing.

All will say “how can it be”….

Isaiah 44:2-4 Thus says the Lord, Who made you and formed you from the womb, Who will help you: Fear not, O Jacob, My servant, and you Jeshurun, whom I have chosen. For I will pour water upon him who is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground. I will pour My Spirit upon your offspring, and My blessing upon your descendants. And they shall spring up among the grass like willows or poplars by the watercourses.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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