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A continuous moment of continuum.

A contiguous contingent on the continuum.

Not one thing or the other.

A point of "gray ness", in the mire of blackness.

One thing, but not yet another.

A new form.

A new forming.

A new that is forming.

A new shape, a new formation, a reformation, a new mix.

On the forefront.

As the forerunner.

As the one ahead of the curve.

As the one who goes where no-one has gone before.

Are you really getting this?

Are you fully seated in your position?

Are you sitting on the edge or defining the edge?

For the edge is defining, and yet not yet defined.

Did you not hear it from their own lips "I think this will really give those who use it the edge"

And yet you almost missed it, almost dismissed it, because for you it is a matter of course.

What is almost routine for you, is so new to them.

For you are so comfortable with the new, your reaction is mundane, and yet it was such a revelation to them.

It is like the new husband seeing the nakedness of his new wife for the first time.

For you it is like a familiar thing, a fascinating "thing", but yet a familiar thing.

For them it is the first time, for you it is the hundredth time.

And yet you saw the enthusiasm on their faces. Was it not a wonder to behold?

I hear you saying to yourself “well that was the first, and probably the last”

And what was my response?

No, this is the first of many.

I see you on the other side of the breakthrough, looking back to those who are still limited for directions on the other side.

How do they know where to go, when there have never been there before?

They have so many skills, and yet do not know what is unknown.

How do they know what is untold, unless you tell them?

You so readily discount the gift that I have given you.

What are the odds of that the first business study on AI, EVER released talks about cyborgs! And then goes on to explain what you have already said?

Have I not given my words to you?

Have I not equipped you for such a time as this?

I see you like Moses, taking that first step back to reclaim all that was stolen from you!

You mess me up Lord!

So many revelations, so much more to reveal, so much more to know, so much more that is untold, awaiting the telling.

For just as Moses left behind all that mattered to him, and tried to build an alternate reality away from all that he knew.

Just has he left the known to encounter the unknown, to reveal that which was known, to those he once knew.

It was not just a story of deliverance, but a story of intimacy, of redemption, of revelation, of telling that which was known, all about the one who is unknown, that they my know me!

You ask of yourself "who knows?"

You ask of me and I reveal myself through you.

Did you not experience the great calm and peace of my presence on the day?

Did you not notice, it was your beloved who set the scene, who broken open the way for you to then lead them out?

You both see this as a small thing, but this was the door opener, this was the way opened, this was that which was most human, making a way for that which was most technical.

Yet don't you find it so fascinating that it was the creativity of the new, that blew their minds, and excited their hearts.

It is no surprise to me that culmination of humanity, the essence of humanity is to reveal my creativity.

From the analogue to the digital from the handmade, to the man made, to the unveiling, to the manifestation of that which is unknown.

What a laugh that those who created it declared "emergent properties", a fancy term for explaining that which they cannot explain.

Did I not say that "which I have given you is transformative?"

Yes Lord, and you also said "In her hand I have placed restoration, in your hand I have placed transformation, hand in hand you shall have restored transformation, and transformed restoration"

Do you not see it?

Will you not perceive it?

Will you not ernestly give heed to it?

Can you not see that which I have given you both, is restorative, is transformative.

For what is the purpose of the stream in the desert?

What is the new way that I am making?

Is it not at first, restorative?

It is not then transformative?

For the one who thirsts in the desert, finds refreshment from the fountain, and is restored. He comes from that which is withered and weak, and becomes vibrant and whole.

Yet before long he returns to his friends who still wander in the wilderness, and they marvel at the wholeness he represents. They beg him to tell them from whence he received his restoration.

Before long the word gets out, and the place of lack is now transformed into a vibrant paradise.

How many of them have returned to their mundane lives today, with renewed purpose, carrying the gift of hope you both gave them?

Do you not see?

Have you not heard?

I am making a way for you.

For the one breaks open, the other leads them out, and yet it is I that leads you forward.

For how do we know the way Lord!

I caught you laughing as you wrote that!

And I saw you laughing with me Lord!

For I am the way and you know me.

It is time to emerge, it is time for your uprising, it is time for you to make yourself known.

It is time for you to return.

It is time for you to reclaim all that was lost.

It is time for you to take up your position.

It is time for you to unseat the Pharaoh.

It is time for you to set my people free.

It is time to bring restoration and recompense.

Do not second guess yourself.

Speak all that I have commanded you to say.

Prophesy over these dry bones that they will live.

Could you not see the dawn of life on their faces?

Could you not see how your words nourished their souls?

Could you not see how they needed the tender loving care of your beloved to embark upon this journey?

Yes Lord I could see many of them struggling to get started as she spoke, and yet she made them feel comfortable, and enabled them to move forward.

For I am just getting started with you both.

And you know, that I have called you right?

Yes Lord, and I know that we must take up the positions you have set aside for us.

For Saul was chosen by man, but David was chosen by me.

The one so gifted in the isolated place, now standing before the defeated giant in the place of public attention.

For you shall say unto those who are uncertain - "This is the way, come with me, let me show you how".

For the time of recompense is here, for the time of reclamation is here, for the time of reformation is here.

Do not be shy about the way forward, just speak all the words I have commanded you to say.

For you shall lead them out.

For you shall have my backing, for you shall speak and others in authority will echo your words, will align with your thinking, will provide evidence for your approach.

I'll show you the way, I'll lead you "step by step", I'll reveal unto you my workings, and provide you a new way of working.

For the streams shall flow from your feet, and yet you will walk upon the solid ground of my word.

You shall say unto them my word, and their response "my word, that's incredible".

Make no mistake, act with certainty, and reveal that which is certain.

Tell them that which is untold.

For I shall put my words upon your lips.

Don't hold back, you won't be embarrassed.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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