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Uncover to discover.

Discover in order to recover.

Rediscover to uncover to recover.

How do you see it?

What is missing from your perspective?

You see a scribble on a page.

I see a map towards a destination.

For need more context to determine the starting point in order to find a way forward.

Yet the land I have for you is uncharted.

The pathway forward, has never been walked before.

So what is your frame of reference?

Who do you refer to?

What source will you cite for your argument?

What textbook will you consult in order to add credibility to your argument?

For the passion I have placed in you knows no bounds.

For you have always wandered off course.

You have always determined the course of your steps.

For each step was set by me and not by another.

For the ignorant one looks upon your path and declares “off course”.

Yet the one who knows the end from the beginning, declares “of course!”

For the path looks like just a line on the page to those who do not have a map.

I know you love the winding road that has no end, and no beginning, the untrafficked road that possesses no obstacle to your progress except the opportunity to take a picture of where you are.

The picture shows no location, is devoid of signs, and barely shows any landmarks.

For you care not for the sign, only the progress.

You love to go where no man has gone before.

For I have called you to set the path for others, to make a way where there is no way, to light the path for those who are paralysed by darkness.

For to some I provide a means to their end, yet for others I provide an end which becomes a means, which provides a meaning, which provides a mechanism, which provides a provision, which supplies a supply, which demonstrates a method, which showcases a capacity.

For your son, I gifted him a means.

For you I gifted you an ends.

For the end defines a boundary.

The end crafts a boundary.

The end defines a territory.

The end defines the start of another book, another chapter, another life, another outcome, a new means, a new meaning, a new territory, a new possession, a new knowing, a knowing that surpasses understanding, an expertise that cannot be kept on paper, but must be demonstrated.

For what is healing to one, is an end of disability to another.

An end of an era to one, is the start of a new era for another.

For what is the last sentence for one, just provides context for a new beginning for another.

For one looks back, the other looks forward.

Yet you told them to go back Lord. For one who looked back turned into salt, yet you instructed them to go back to Galilee.

This was for them to bring the new way, the new order, the new life, the new light, the new beginning to what was a dead end.

For one story ended in death.

The new story brought eternal life.

A redrawing was required.

A new context was required.

A new truth became evident.

A new power had to be demonstrated.

For that which I placed within them was now manifested.

The walking forth, the going out, the going back, brought forth the contrast between the old and the new.

One path overlayed upon the old.

One path bringing life to that which was dead.

For you see it now don’t you?

The alignment of the scribbled path, with the landscape of the new territory.
And then the walking again on the old path written in the depths of darkness, when I walk upon it, the sparks of your fire light up the whole path. It burns with great intensity, in a way that cannot be missed, in a way that shows this was the intended path all along.

Yet who needs a map, when I am with you?

The blind who have no idea what is coming or where they are going?

As you step forward, show them from whence you came, and how you got here, then take them into uncharted territory.

For I will give you eloquence of speech, I will put my words on your lips, I will cause them to trust you, to follow you.

For in order to discover, they will rediscover, they will uncover, they will recover.

For I am revealing my light unto them.

For I am lighting the path for them.

For my strength has been made perfect in your weakness.

Tap into my strength.

Hold fast to that which is true.

Be strong and very courageous for I have given you this land.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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