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Recover, be re covered….

Here have a new cover

Refresh, be re freshed…

Take on refreshment.

I’m giving you a new cover, the same book, but a new cover, with new chapters.

No need to take cover, just take my cover.

Relove, be re loved, be loved again, just be love, accept my love, take on my love, receive my love.

For I have given her great power, abundant power, almighty power, power to restore.

Just as you accept her love and are restored, accept my love and be refreshed.

For I have placed upon you new a new robe, with a new authority, yet you struggle to keep it on.

The new clothes still sit in the cupboard…

You struggle with the fit.

Yet here you sit wearing your new favourite jacket, too long in the sleeve, but when you wear more layers, when you allow for expansion, the fit is perfect for this purpose.

Consider, re consider, consider that which you find hard to consider.

The love of mystery, the mystery of love.

It is no mystery to you how it is that you love her.

It is not a matter of logic, or persuasive argument, or reasoned thought, it is simply an act of wonder.

In an instant in a moment, everything changed, the walk, the posture, the nature of her walk, the shape of her walk, before you knew her, before you knew it was her, I had attracted your attention.

For you had no eyes for anything else, only her. In a moment, in an instant, there was an unedited turnaround. For that which you had regarded, that we you held regard for, turned around. The radiance of her smile, the beauty of her face, you still remember now. You were transfixed, in a trance, as I was engraving love upon your heart.

In the wonder, in the moment of wonder, the moment of stillness, in a timeless moment, in a moment without time, she turned to look directly at you.

How could this be, that she had regard for you. The one I chose to represent me, the one I call “be loved”, winked at you. You felt it then, and you still feel it. The connection of love, the love connection. You both knew that this was my doing, a spontaneous event, a natural outcome of a supernatural connection. In that moment, an amplified moment of an earlier moment on the beach.

In that moment you knew everything had changed. You struggled to speak, to compose yourself because I had given you a new composition.

The two becoming one, the love of mystery, the mystery of love.

Yet now you shall be recovered, for I am restoring that which was torn, tattered, beaten and battered.

Transformed restoration, restored transformation, the two becoming one….

Overtake and recover all…

1 Samuel 30:8 And David inquired of the Lord, saying, Shall I pursue this troop? Shall I overtake them? The Lord answered him, Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them and without fail recover all.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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