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Cast again.


Look upon the other side.

Move to the other side.

Be not downcast but recast.

Cast again.

Move with expectation again.

Try again.


Have another thought.

Think again, move again, do again, BE again.

Recast yourself.

Apply yourself.

Volunteer again.

Put your hand up for that role.

For you are the lead in my cast.


Choose a new cast.

Unfamiliar faces, unknown faces, unexpected faces, unknown actors.

Not the “has beens”, but the “shall be’s”

For I see yourself digging a giant hole.

The question is, is it a giant pit? A giant well? A giant reservoir? A pit of darkness or a well of life?

Well Lord, it will just be a giant hole, unless you fill it with your living water!

Yet what is your expectation of it?

For your posture is one who has been in the trenches, who has buried himself beneath the surface, who lives underground.

Feel like a lowly worm Jacob? Or should I insert your name?

I see how you feel so fragile, so broken, so soft, so easily squeezed, yet the worm is the one I have appointed to prepare the soil for my seed.

What is you see now?

My face covered in mud, my body bruised and battered, covered in the mud flung by my opponent?

Yet it is not what it seems!

I see you as a mighty warrior camouflaged, hidden in the mud, awaiting the opportunity to kill his opponent!

For I am recasting your mind.

I am giving you a new script.

I am setting the scene, I am casting your mind, if you don’t mind, you shall have a new mind, a new mindset!

For you need a new set of clothes.

Unlike any other, for the one who I have made to be unlike any other.

What is it I have shown you?

What lies beneath that which rests upon the surface?

A picture of slime and mud all over me, another picture of ashes and darkness all over me, a picture of a pristine business suit covering me, another picture of sackcloth covering me.

Yet what is it that lies beneath?

A golden suit, made from a snake like skin, stronger than a crocodile, harder than steel, a suit fit for the mightiest warrior.


For I am recasting you.

You think you need to show up as Clark Kent, to wear the robe of the one who wants to fit in, to blend in with the crowd.

Yet I am recasting you.

You think you will look funny wearing tights and outwear that looks like underwear. You don’t wan’t to be embarrassed and you refuse to take the stage. You lock yourself in the dungeon and swallow the key. Or you bury yourself in the pit, hoping that the very ground will swallow you up.

Why try to be the superman? What a ridiculous thought?

Why wear the coat of man, of manhood, when I have given you a technicolour coat?

Whether Clark Kent or Superman, all these roles are man made, made from a desire to fit in, or to stand out in a way that is ridiculous!

What is it you see right now?

My whole body alight with your holy fire, radiating with your light, crackling with power, lightning flowing from my fingertips, resting in glory, clothed by majesty, smiling with the most joyful smile.

This is how I see you!

It’s like you see the future, as a remake of the past, as a reboot.

Yet this is no make over, this is no reboot, this is a whole new thing.

Stop trying to be you, just be me.

How was it for you when everyone gathered together?

I could feel the tension between the atmosphere of man, and the glory of God! In the place of worship a flowing of your presence, an opportunity to connect with you.

Stay in my presence, come a little closer, let’s go deeper, for I am taking you to places you have never been before.

It is time to switch on the lights, it is time to manifest all that I have for you.

Make this choice to enjoy the ride, to burn with the flame of my passion, to bring a disturbance to all that disturbs.

For my light shines in the darkness, and is not overcome by it.

For you shall be like a beacon on a hill, and yet walking in the midst of the darkness, illuminating the dark places, bringing my glory to the oppressed, the downcast, the broken, the weary, the ones who have lost all hope.

For the light does not consult with the dark to determine its impact!

For all these words I have given you for others, rest upon you, illuminate you, bring lustre to your being.

It is like you have reserved the right to tell everyone including me, who you are and what you represent.

For you are neither Clark Kent or Superman, you are my instrument of fire, you are the mighty one, the dominant one, the icing on the cake, the radiant fire of passionate intimacy, the anointed one, the chosen one, the ruler, the royal authority, the harvester, the rainmaker, the boundary breaker, the one who heralds the new, the one who births the new, the one who manifests my manifesto.

Shake off the gloom and doom, proclaim the brightness of my glory, power of my presence, the birth of a new era, the dawn of a new era.

What is it you see now?

The rising of a flag, at first it has the colour of white, of surrender. Then the rising of another flag, a golden flag, made of gold, glistening with your glory, reflecting the edge of your glory.

For your enemy surrenders to you, in the place of surrender my glory shines.

Gird your sword upon your thigh oh mighty one, for now is the time to ride out in triumph.

Yes that is it, I can see the shift, the bursting forth of joy upon your face, like the one who has been given the greatest gift, that which they longed for for so long.

For I have taken you back, I am restoring the joy of your salvation, the joy and delight of my presence.

For in the present, the greatest present is my presence.

For I know how it makes you feel

Like touching the hand of the one I love for the first time. Like wrapping my arms around her. The feel of the warmth of her embrace, like a fountain of love overflowing all over me, a bursting forth of such joy and delight. The kiss of her lips like the very kiss of heaven!

For I have broken the yoke of your oppression, the weight of darkness, the heaviness of great loss.

For what is it you see now?

The brightest light breaking forth through the darkest clouds. A season shift, a change of seasons, a new thing in the atmosphere, the sound of thunder, like the heavens applauding, celebrating the birth of a whole new thing!

For the light I have placed within you must be released, the birth of a new dawn has now come.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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