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By what means shall you be content?

It is peace?

Is it calm?

Is it the absence of conflict?

Is it the lack of an opponent?

For what is the point of strength if there is no opportunity to exercise it?

For how is it validated?

By what means is my power assessed?

For you know that you know that you need no external validation.

The usual treatment was so unnecessary, so irrelevant, so pointless.

For I have given you divine power that no hostile force can overcome.

Yet it seems that the only way forward is to fold.

For it unfolds before you.

Yet it seems we are stuck in a moment, stuck in a stalemate, assuming our opponent has not just walked off after declaring victory.

Yet you know what I am capable of.

I feel like a different person, the same person in a different body, someone being transformed into someone else, possessing a power I have not before.

Yet you know not what you are capable of, for you need no other source but me, nothing else but what I possess.

Yet as you say, power is pointless unless it is exercised. Will you move on our behalf, will you contend with our contention until we are content.

You get so caught up in what is happening around you.

For it whirls around you, it flares up against you, it waves its arm against you, it tugs at you, it pulls at you, trying to manipulate you like a puppet.

I am so tired of backing down, conceding an issue, like paying tribute to an oppressor.

I see you standing with your sword raised, ready to chop off their head.

But what is it you see now?

A seismic shift, the movement of the very ground I stand on, a new opening, a new opportunity, a tilling of the ground by your hand.
My efforts seem so futile in comparison to yours.
So what is it you want me to do, for I am over being passive, over being still, over enduring, it is time for an intervention. For your intervention.
I am not interested in coasting along any more.

Let my fire break out.

Release my fire.

Set a fire.

For you shall have explosive impact.

For they shall come in fear and trembling towards you begging for a different end.

Well Lord I am asking the question, expecting you to answer. If you are for us give us a clear answer. If this is the place where you want us to go, let it be by your hands not my efforts. Otherwise we wait on you for the next step. Show us the way for you are the only way.

In the waiting time.

For a time of the times.

In the place of expectation.

In the place of insight, foresight appears.

In the place of hindsight, foresight is manifest.

For you don’t see it like it is.

For I have given you the sight of Elisha.

Against all odds, you consider that you have the majority, therefore the odds are in your favour.

I see you looking for a shovel when what I have shown you looks like a crevasse, a deep opening in the ground caused by a greater power.

The old tools in your kitbag are no longer fit for purpose.

For Superman does not go looking for a welding machine to join things together, he merely opens his eyes and lets the fire flow.

You asked for a manifestation of my power.

You asked for me to invade your world, to demonstrate my supernatural power and then I came to you in a form you did not expect.

You reminded me so many times of your age, your stage, your diminished capability, you wondered why I have brought you to the edge of your promised land, when you had no capacity or capability to enter it.

I can see you smiling at how I just had to remind you of something, like you were unaware of the problem, when in fact you always had a solution.

What if my approach is so different from yours?

What if my solution is so lateral that it is out of this world?

For I see you so in shock of what I have done, staggered that you no longer stagger!

I see you looking still for the pain, and yet it is no where to be found.

Such a strange feeling, so unfamiliar, so beyond comprehension, a test I do not know how to perform.

It was so funny watching you go to the Osteo, like you were looking for some validation of what I had done, and yet she was so oblivious to the fact that the core issues you had for so long where no longer present. She did her thing, but you just knew I had done “my thing”.

I just felt like I would never be back, that this would be the last time, so weird!

For that which was visited upon you has left.

For that which took up residence in your body has been evicted.

For that which was so familiar, is now so absent.

For how is freedom manifest?

It starts with the removal of limitation.

It is like being out of the womb, out of the cocoon, free of the confines that which once held me, the necessary things that are now no longer necessary.

Like the first steps of a baby, you are stepping into a whole new way of being.

It is time to unveil that which I have been working on.

It is time to shake things up.

It is time for a seismic shift.

It is the unsettling time of the settlement.

It is the movement into the place of freedom.

It is time to expect more.

It is time for a pushing out, a pushing beyond, an unfurling, an unfolding, an unwrapping, the release of freedom, the breaking free from all that contains.

For I am steadying your steps, I am establishing your goings, I am establishing movement, I am establishing a new movement, a new freedom, a new purpose, a repurpose, the manifestation of my purpose, the transformation of purpose, the manifestation of transformation.

For I am unveiling the work of transformation.

For what is to come is so different from that which was.

It is time to change the game.

It is time for a whole new world of wholeness.

I will show you the way, and then you will lead the way for others to follow.

For the old is dead.

You remember lying next to your dead body.

You remember the flames rising up from that which held you close.

For I am burning up that which was.

Yet what is it you see now?

What I thought was the death of the old, is actually just a cocoon for what has now been birthed.
What I thought was the burning up of all that was, it was simply the embers signifying the birth of fire.

For I have placed my fire within you.

It is time to spread your wings.

It is time to fly.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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