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Radical Movement!

For this is an inside job.

Put aside the old.

Push out the old, for the new has come.

Put aside the old.

Put aside the old.

Push aside the old.

Lay down the old.

For I am displacing the old. There shall be no place for the old.

Disregard the old.

Show no regard for the old.

Push aside the old self.

For this is a job for the new.

Take possession.

For I have taken possession.

You made me do it.

I am stepping in.

You are stepping in.

For the new has come.

This is an out of body experience.

For the new shall inhabit the old.

This is a job for the new you.

For this is an inside job.

For your old self lies naked before you.

You new self has come.

Behold the new you.

For the new possesses the old.

The look of the old, but all things are new.

I am doing an exchange. New for old replacement.

New for old displacement.

For that which was old, shall be new.

For I am occupying that which was occupied.

New levels.

A whole new level.

A new level of wholeness.

This is not for the faint hearted, for the half hearted, but for the whole hearted.

For I have given you my whole heart, a heart of wholeness, the power of wholeness. Wholeness manifest.

For this is my manifesto, wholeness manifest.

The fitting together of that which broken. Brokenness now whole.

Expect the unexpected.

Brokenness made whole by your touch, the sharp edge, the broken edge, the cutting edge, restored by your hand.

For you shall touch the cutting blade, the course cutting blade, the sharp edge, and in a moment, in an instant, restoration.

For that which was designed to cut, to separate, to divide, to destroy, to tear down, shall become my instrument of restoration.

Picture this. The knife, the sword, the chainsaw, the bomb, the weapon of mass destruction. Now the instrument of restoration. The instrument of the binding, the instrument of healing, the weapon now the means of the means, the means of the means, the mean of no mean, the means of love, the means of power, the means of prosperity, the seed of peace, the instrument of peace.

For the new does not assimilate the old, has no means of engaging the old, of receiving the old.

From outward appearance it will look the same. But the inward experience will be radically different, radically the opposite of what you have experienced.

Transformed. From one form to another form, in a moment, in an instant.

This is my work, this is my handiwork, this is the work of my hands. Not by your effort.

When you move, all will see evidence of my work. For your step shall illuminate the path for your followers.

When you lift your foot, all will see the evidence of my glory.

Behold the illuminated step they will see.

The light in your step, in your footstep, flames of my fire, the pool of my refreshing flow, a unique flow, a glorious flow, an unexpected flow.

Watch out, look out, my glory is here, it pours from your pores as you walk!

“Today is the day that you step into your future”

Anticipate radical movement, anticipate radical transformation..

Suddenly, in an moment, in an instant all will be new.

For this is my work, this is my way, you shall be all that I have called you to be.

More and more, more and more, multiplied more!

For I have placed greatness in your hand, the power of greatness in your hand.

Remember the overflowing cup from brokenness that I put in your hand.

Look again, what is it you see?

The broken cup, in a moment, in an instant, the restored cup, the cup of fire, the fountain of fire.

You say “better hold on to something”.

I say take hold of my hand, my power, my wonder, be full of wonder, for I have placed wonder in your hand!

Isaiah 43:19 Behold, I AM doing a NEW thing! NOW it springs forth….




Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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