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Radical Change

Radical change is coming, beyond your expectation, beyond your experience, beyond all that you imagine.

You feel the ground ripple at your feet.

Not a giant mountain, a giant wave, the ripple, the flow on, the flow on effect, the effect of the flow, the impact of the flow.

I am blowing your mind.

I’m not downsizing I’m upsizing, I am expanding the very boundaries of your experience.

Did I not say, imagine a year when all of your dreams, hopes, and plans all came to pass in that single year?!

Here we are, and hear we are, and here we are, do you hear where we are?

You constrain yourself, you restrain yourself, you try to keep a lid on it, your strength is used to contain me, instead use your strength to release me.

You saw it didn’t you? You felt it didn’t you, you felt my very presence, in the unexpected place, at the unexpected time.

Associates laughing about ouija boards, and your hand started to shake in their presence, you felt my power in your very hands, a vision of this reality being invaded by my reality, and your hands opening the portal.

You don’t know what to do with me, do you?

For you know the power I have placed in your hands.

The power to shake things up, to tear down, to overthrow, to lift up, to throw down, to build to plant.

You know what happens when you try to contain me. When released there is a physical impact, you could feel the table cracking in your hands.

Yet you were like a deer in headlights, you could not believe your eyes, you could not believe your senses.

Yet did I not say, do not come to your senses.

Like Peter walking in a vision, that is what I want you to do.

The people, the flock need to be shaken up, they pray with expectation, and yet are surprised when I show up. They do not recognise my power, like you do.

You fear the power I have given you.

You try with all your might to keep your eyes closed, for the glimpses are full of shock and awe.

You think to yourself, who in the history of man was ever a warrior like this. Better than any superhero, a gold plated suit of armour, impenetrable, yet flexible. Yet I have multiplied your impact, when you move I move with you, you flex your muscle and my legions flex their muscles.

It is time to step over the boundary, to step over yourself.

Embrace the thing you cannot grasp, for I will destroy the works of the enemy upon the right and on the left, for there is no boundary that I have not enabled you to cross.

You call upon the natural resources for help, and yet I have given you divine strength, yes divine strength, that no hostile power can overcome.

I’m here to answer you, when you call I will answer.

You asked me to show you why I have placed you in this crowd, and I gave you the answer.

For they all came, and assembled before you, yet they did not know what to say, they needed encouragement, direction, facilitation, a safe place to be transformed.

Open your eyes and embrace that which you cannot grasp.

“I want to go where I have never been, I want to see your mysteries before my eyes, I want to know the secrets that you know, I want to hear the melodies of heaven”

We started with the 10 fold increase, and as you walked to your car this morning, I gave you a glimpse of what is to come, the ten fold increase of everything you know and see.

It’s time to be radical, for radical change is coming, I’m turning on the tap…

It is time to burst forth…

For I will flow across the land, the land will flow with milk and honey. Take the hand of the one you love and hold on tight..



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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