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How does it feel?

For I have expressed myself.

I have extended my hand to you.

I have invited you in.

For you have come close.

For you have come closer.

Bathed in the reflection of my glory.

You joke about it.

But the evidence of our closeness is written all over your face.

For I am not hiding myself.

For I have revealed my self to you.

For I have exposed my glory, my radiance.

The warmth of my kindness.

The warmth of my embrace.

The warmth of my love.

Just feel the warmth of my presence.

Bathed in the glory of my presence.

For you have hold of my hand.

No distractions.

Full attention.

Like you have seen all that you desire.

What else matters to you?

Everything else is merely a distraction.

I can see my beauty reflected in your face.

Held by the hand of fire.

For your loves burns within you.

For my love burns within you.

My joy rises in you as you wonder how it is that you are still standing when you feel so weak at the knees.

For you shall stand at attention when you pay attention to me.

For there shall be no distraction, no deviation, no retraction.

Full extension, no retraction.

Extend that which you shall write with.

Put pen to paper.

For it shall be glorious.

Mosaic by mosaic. Piece by piece. The taking of the shape, the revelation of the shape and size of it.

The manifesto of manifestation. The manna upon which you shall feast.

For my fullness pours out upon you now.

For when the river overflows its banks.

Cast your seed upon that which rises against you, rises up from beneath, until you are wading in it. For the path of navigation rises before you. For they way you shall take rises before you, rises above you.

For you shall it rest your foot upon the boardwalk.

For upon the path of the sure you shall walk.

For I have given you the path of the confident. The surefooted path. The path of the sure. The path of the risen. The path of the risen ones. The path of those who have overcome. The path of the ones that are over it.

For the drought has broken. Open the floodgates.

For in the land upon which you have sown, you shall reap.

For in the path of the flow you shall rise.

For you can see the harvest beneath your feet. For the seed rises beneath your feet.

Just invite me to come over.

In the place where you are over it, invite me to come over.

For the warmth of my presence shall evaporate all that overwhelms you.

For when you pass through the waters.

For when you pass through the fire.

I am with you.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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