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I want to talk to you about three things.

The presence of Beauty.

The posture of Beauty.

The purpose of Beauty.

For her presence is such a present.

A gift you love to unwrap.

Yet in the revealing there is always something more.

Something unexpected.

Something delightful.

Something uniquely expressive.

Something compelling.

Something that draws you in, that draws you in close.

For to touch her is so delightful.

Yet what is within is so much more than what is without.

What lies under the surface is so profound.

For her being is not defined by her boundary.

Her beauty not confined to her body.

For how do you define presence?

For it is so much easier to define by its absence.

Without her there is so much dullness, so much darkness, so much lack, so much distance, so much loss, so little life.

When she walks into the room, it is like the light was switched on, the heater emanating warmth, a refreshing shower poured out upon you.

Yet you must be attuned to presence.

You must be wired to notice.

You must have a sense of awareness.

If your attention is distracted, or tuned in to something else, you are not impacted by her presence.

Yet when you notice her, she becomes the focus of your attention.

Yet her presence is no ordinary present.

For I have gifted her with so many gifts, to unwrap her is simply to reveal a treasure box filled with so many unique treasures.

Some gifts are more obvious than others, some have a greater value than others, some remain hidden beneath the surface.

Her presence is not a static present.

She cannot be defined in simple terms, you cannot define the edge of her being, although you love to try!

For you notice the edge, yet when you run your hand over it, it changes, it has many dimensions.

One touch is not the same as the next.

One moment is not the basis of the next.

Just when you think you have a handle on her, she blows your mind, she reveals something else about herself.

For my beauty is beyond definition.

Is beyond scientific analysis.

In fact the more you analyse it, the more it hides itself from you.

The more you admire it, the more you proclaim it, the more it is revealed, the more glorious it becomes.

Yet so many can’t handle my beauty.

So many disregard it.

So many seek to diminish it.

So many hide it.

So many dismiss it.

So many are disappointed by it.

They poke at it, the try to cover it up, they try to enhance it, they try to manufacture it, they try to perfect it.

Yet my beauty appoints.

My beauty quietly announces itself.

My beauty joyfully reveals itself.

My beauty smiles upon the world.

My beauty reflects all my joy and delight.

My beauty shows up in unexpected places.

My beauty is not afraid to get her hands dirty.

My beauty is happy to roll up her sleeves.

My beauty is happy to get dressed up.

My beauty can cause such a scene.

My beauty is polarising.

My beauty provokes discussion.

My beauty stands in contrast to the darkness.

My beauty loves to shine the radiance of my glory all around.

My beauty has a posture.

My beauty is not puffed up, yet delights to be on display.

My beauty is happy to be exposed.

My beauty is not shy about who I have made her to be.

My beauty is such a treasure.

My beauty knows her worth.

My beauty innately knows how valuable she is.

Yet is not afraid to give of herself.

My beauty has a posture of overflowing love.

My beauty loves to embrace the poor, the needy, the ugly, the unkind, the disrespectful, the angry, the weary, the disabled.

She does not consider how she will be received, but loves to present herself as my glorious gift.

My love has a posture of joy.

My beauty is always open to give and receive my love.

My beauty makes time for you.

My beauty enjoys your presence.

My beauty enhances your beauty.

My beauty radiates confidence.

My beauty bursts forth with boldness and overflows with all my delight.

My beauty has purpose.

My beauty has a deliberate intent.

My beauty evokes a response.

My beauty reveals a mystery for those who have regard for it.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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