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I don’t know what to say, I am lost, lost for words.

Here have some of mine.

You are chosen.

You have purpose.

You are loved.

You are my beloved.

Upon you have I poured out all my affection.

For when you feel so affected, have some of my affection.

When you feel so disaffected, so numb, so unmoved, so "so", receive my embrace.

For when you feel your world crumble around you, stand upon my rock.

For I am solid, I am secure, I am your warm blanket, I am your covering.

For you can feel me, feeling you.

For I have placed my glory in your hands.

You feel it pour, when you pause.

For even when you are still, my spirit moves within you.

For I am flowing on the place that is barren.

I am brooding over the dark, lifeless waters.

I am stirring your flame, like never before.

You feel the flare up.

You are not stoked, when I stoke your fire.

You feel it like the touch from your beloved, when your whole body is so agitated.

You want to receive her touch, but it feels like sandpaper.

Yet, if you persist.

Yet, if you persist.

Yet, if you alter your posture.

Yet, if you allow yourself.

Yet, if you push through the pain.

Yet, if you take hold of that which holds you.

Yet, if you receive the gift I have given you.

Yet, if you take hold of that which has hold of you.

Yet, if you wait a moment.

Yet, if you push through the reaction you will receive the response.

It feels like the dam is about to break.

You feel like that which surrounds you will overwhelm you.

Yet that which I have placed in you, shall far surpass, that which comes against you.

You feel me now don’t you.

When I don’t know what to say, I feel your words rising within me.

For that which is within you, shall far surpass that which is without you.

For my flow will overflow.

In the place of abject lack, my fountain shall burst forth.

For in this time.

For this time.

At this time.

Once upon a time.

Twice upon a time.

Many upon a time.

For this shall be the time of the times.

For I have appointed this time.

For this shall be the appointed time.

For my harvest beckons unto you.

My harvest calls unto you.

My fruit blossoms before you.

My seed rises up to you.

My love has come.

My joy shines upon you.

My love surrounds you.

My beloved announces to you, calls to you and says “come away with me”.

Here take my hand.

Here receive my love.

For my joy covers you.

My oil of joy flows over you, and upon you, and through you.

There you can feel it now.

There you can see it now.

There you can receive it now.

For I am the mist in your midst.

Breathe, take a breath, receive my breath, receive my peace.

For my light does not need to announce its presence.

It is seen.

It is felt.

It brings my warmth and kindness.

For I have made you to be a different kind.

For I have placed upon you my kindness.

For you feel it now, what is it I have shown you?

Walking through the lush meadow as the mist falls. It hangs in the air, suspended like it is awaiting my arrival. I sense it, I feel it, like a refreshing, like a cleansing of the atmosphere.

Yes that is it.

I am cleansing this atmosphere.

This is my way of intruding.

A soothing balm for those wounded, those scars, those bruises, those battered by the storms of the past.

Let my rain fall upon you.

For there shall be light rain, a clearing of the fog, a mist in the midst, a refreshing time, a time of great refreshing.

For when you go home.

For when you go home.

For when you go home.

For when you go home.

Receive that which I have given you.

Receive the love of my beloved.

Feel the warmth of her embrace.

Like the oil of joy falling all around.

For no matter what comes against you, my presence is your present.

My presence shall have its way, shall make a way, shall fall like the mist in your midst.

For just say “ahhhh”, just receive my peace for your pieces.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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