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Can you feel it, can you sense it, can you embrace it?

Like a mist, in your midst I come.

Invading the atmosphere, gently pervading, inhabiting your thoughts, your senses, your very body.

What does it feel like?

Immersed, receiving that which you have poured out.

A wash, awash with my wash, like a hot bath.

What can I say?

Just say ahhhhh!

I long to feel the warmth of your embrace.

I miss our walks in the garden.

Yet I am present, my presence is present, my presence is your present.

I am your soothing balm, I am the refreshing oil.

Many speak of the “anointing” like I am some magic formula, some ointment that is applied to heal their wounds.

Yet I am pouring out my spirit upon all flesh.

It pours from your pores when you pause.

I want to rub it in, I want to rub myself in, I want you to feel my presence deep below the surface.

Be immersed, be carried away, get carried away.

For I am very present, I am a very present help in times of trouble.

I like to show up when you least expect it, I want to challenge your expectation, I want to interrupt your angst with joy, with an outpouring of joy.

For I love to laugh, I long to be the life of the party.

You can picture it now, you can see it now, for I am the one laughing the loudest at the table. My joy is contagious, is infectious, expect more of this behaviour.

Seriously by joyful, just be joyful, just be overflowing with joy.

For you shall be known as the joyful one, you anticipate challenge, you rise with sword raised, and yet I’m just cracking up. You make me laugh my head off.

For I have brought forth breakthrough on the right and the left. The very ground opens before you. For you have resonance, your presence resounds across the land. For the word has gone out, it has prepared the ground for you, it has broken the ground for you. For this is the land of the breakthrough, this is the land where I have broken through.

The fissures can only be healed by your flow, for you are the salve, the ointment that I shall apply to bring healing to this soil.

For I have broken the box, I have released that which was contained, for nothing shall contain you. I am pouring out uncontainment, beyond containment, that which shall cause uncontainment, for that which was contained, now bursts forth with my overflow.

For you are full of it, yes you are “full of it”, full of my fullness, for it seeps out of you. “Just let go and let God”. Unbaton the hatches, for I’m releasing release, I am letting go, I am releasing “go”. I have sent out “go”, I have given the green light to “go”.

Today this day I have made you a mighty fountain that shall burst forth across the land, through you I am pouring myself out.

“You said that you would pour your self out”

“Let your glory rush in like a flood”

Let’s go, let go, just let go, just release “go”, for I have gone ahead of you.

For I have bound up captivity, I have taken captive captivity, I have restrained restraint, I have broken the chains that bind, I have expressed my intent, to set the captives free.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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