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What is your prescription?

What would you prescribe?

I am so over the formula, the protocol, the many ways for success, the advice of the many, the direction of the few. What do they know? Have they travelled in my shoes? Do they know what it is like to be me? Do they know my condition? Can they understand me? I’m tired of being weird, unique, the misfit, the one who doesn’t fit. I’m tired of being ignored, excluded, isolated, told how to think, how to be, how to feel, what action to take, what problems to solve, what I should do, when I should do it and what is the priority! I’m looking for some time to chill and the guy at the cinema asks me whether I have a seniors card! Clearly I need a better prescription for something!

Just draw. No really just draw.

But how do I join the dots, when the page is blank?

Just flow, just go with my flow…

For my flow cannot be directed, cannot be stopped, cannot be halted, cannot be restrained, cannot be stopped, cannot be ignored, cannot be withheld, cannot be tamed, cannot be not, but must be.

For the flow rises from the container, comes from which is contained, rises from that which try’s to contain it. You see it now it flows from the fortress, from the stronghold, from that which is water proof.

For there shall be an uprising, for there is an uprising, for that which comes against you, shall cause you to rise.

You see it now. Here let me pause it for you.

For you are out of the boat, for your impulse is to respond to my call. Not impulsive but deliberate.

Did I not tell you to come? Am I not ordering your steps?

So here you find yourself….

So here you find yourself….

So here you find yourself…

You foot rests upon that which is fluid.

What causes others to sink, shall cause you to rise.

For I say be lifted up!

Yes I say be lifted up!

For I command you to rise.

For I command that which causes you to sink, to rise.

Be lifted up!

I like to rock the boat, I’m not afraid of some turbulence, I love that which is fluid, for it responds to my voice.

Deep calls to deep at the sound.

I’m calling you from the depths, what is your response?

Let’s sing, let’s make beautiful music together, for I love the sound of the crashing waves.

You like to rest upon the sure, I want you to rest upon the fluid.

Seriously just take a nap.

I say rock a bye baby.

For you loved to hold your babies in your arms and rock them to sleep.

Have I not got a hold on you? Am I not in control? Just relax, just be at ease…

Fear not for I am with you says the Lord!

Here is my prescription…

Take it to the counter to be filled.

Just be filled.

Take a course on Flow Mechanics.

Focus on the mechanics.

What drives the flow?

For the flow lubricates the cogs, the gears, the mechanics.

Take some oil of joy, let the joy flow…

For the cogs, the gears, the mechanics drive the flow, speed the flow, encourage the flow.

For you go with my flow.

You feel the tension, the expansion, the strain, for I am leaking out.

Be saturated with me.

Like a sponge, so full, when you touch it, it leaks.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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