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Be still and know.

In the stillness.

In the quiet place.

In the place of peace.

In the ocean of calm.

In the tranquil place.

In the field of stillness.

In the place without movement.

In the place of the absence.

In the desolate place.

In the place without habitation.

In the place of the one.

In the place of the one.

In the place of separation.

In the place of consecration.

In the place of isolation.

In the place where the only voice you hear is your own.

In the place of space.

In the cavity of fullness.

In the hollow place.

In the place where all you see is the horizon.

In the place where you have no frame of reference.

In the place without landmark.

In the barren place.

In the empty place.

Awaiting fullness.

The empty cup awaiting fullness.

The cup of lack awaiting the outpouring of fullness.

The place of preparation.

The place of presence.

The place of anointing.

For I am here.

For I am with you.

For I am right behind you.

What you see before you is that which I have prepared for you.

The place of fullness.

The place of preparation.

The invitation to sit.

The invitation to take a seat.

For I have reserved a place for you.

In the seated place.

In the place of the meeting.

Be seated in my presence.

Take a seat.

Be seated.

Come to the place of rest.

For you are welcome at this table.

For this is the table I have prepared for you.

For this encounter was always part of my plan.

What is it I have shown you now?

Seated in the place of comfort, seated in the place of authority, seated in the place of strength, seated in the place of calm, exuding confidence, like I have arrived at the place I was destined for, at the appointed place, where everything makes sense.

Did you not see it before you this morning?

I had the choice of a clean table, or an unprepared table. I chose the unprepared table, and stood as the waitress prepared it for me. And whilst I turned to take a seat, another waitress had already set it before I could sit down.

For you know what it is like to be waited on hand and foot.

For I know you like to be prepared, yet this is the season where you will experience my preparation.

For in the showing.

For this is the season of the showing.

The season where you will see what I have prepared for you.

For in the season where you feel so unprepared, you will receive what I have prepared.

When you are the guest of honour, how do you prepare yourself?

It’s like I have come in from the field, covered in dirt and mud and sweat. I come back to the place of my destiny, and find the butler at the door welcoming me in with a big smile, and then the attendants taking me to the room of preparation, bathing and washing me clean and then putting on a tuxedo, ready to be escorted to the boardroom. Then I am ushered to my seat and find a room full of people, some I have known, many unknown, but all delighted to see me. Like I am the one they have been waiting for, for such a long time.
You mess me up Lord!

For I have declared you worthy, worthy of the highest place, worthy of this position.

For when everything is falling apart, I have appointed you to bring wholeness.

For you shall represent what they have been waiting for.

It matters not what you bring with you, for you carry my greatness.

For you were taken aback by your impact yesterday. You had to extend the time, for you could see in her eyes your impact.

You could feel the warmth of my presence.

For when you stepped out of yourself, you revealed all that was me.

Can you not feel me!

Do you not feel me!

Yes Lord, I see right now your fire flowing in my hand, the majesty of your glory.

Your enemy wants you to stay in the valley.

Your enemy wants to convince you to stay in the place of death.

Yet I have invited you to this table.

You think it is about what you have to offer, when you are the offering.

You what to give your gift, when you are the gift!

“Be present at our table Lord, be here and everywhere adored”

These words echo in your ears from generations past.

Act like you have my endorsement.

Act like I have chosen you.

Do not question yourself.

Let my passion rise within you.

For my passion rises within you like a fire that cannot be quenched.

Let no one tell you who you should be.

Let no one diminish the fire I have placed within your being.

For I have prepared you for such a time as this.

Do not come to your senses.

Take up your position, for you will not need to fight this battle.

For my glory shines upon you, and is revealed upon you, and covers you.

For you shall be my source of illumination in the place of darkness.

For I have chosen you to reveal my glory, my wholeness.

Just leave the whole thing to me.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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