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The power of the precious.

To behold her is to behold that which is most precious.

To have and hold, is to possess that which is full of wonder.

Her value is beyond compare.

To look upon,is to look upon wonder.

The power of her presence is beyond your ability to explain.

The joy and wonder of her smile, lights up the room.

Compelled beyond reason, over the edge, beyond the edge.

The reflection of my glory, the affection of my love.

For you are so precious to me. More precious than she is to you.

Yet I feel the loss, the loss of that which is precious to her.

I know what it is like to lose that which is most precious.

In a moment all was lost, that which I held dear, forsaken.

Lost, so that all could be found.

Put out, so that all who are willing could come in, come into my presence.

Once lost, now called, found.

For I have hold of that which was lost.

Placed in my hand, it cannot be taken.

Yet I don’t live in the place of the loss, I live in the place of great gain.

You must again embrace that which you cannot grasp.

For I have placed it before you, I have drawn your attention to that which must be obtained.

Did I not place my glory before you?

Yet this was just a glimpse of the beauty and wonder of all that was to come.

For a moment I took your breath away, your mouth dropped open, and you were unable to speak. Breathless, without breath, weak at the knees.

Yet now when you kiss, it is like being powered by the strength of heaven.

At first, at a loss…..

At first, at a loss for words….

Now, in union with that which is most precious to you. Beyond all comprehension, beyond your ability to possess, yet wed together, the two becoming one.

“When you walk in the room, there is nothing like it”

Why are you so surprised at the current circumstance?

So many coming to you, drawn to you?

I only care what she thinks, that she is drawn to me. Everyone else is of no consequence, is merely a distraction. For who can compare to her?

Yet you are my precious.

In any room she is in, I just want to be with her, in her presence.

Yet I have called you out, I have called you up. For you shall have great influence, great impact, multiplied impact.

I know what I am doing. I trust you, more than you trust yourself.

You experience all this turbulence, yet you know what you must do.

Rise above it!

Yes why struggle to swim, when I have given you the ability to walk upon that which overwhelms you.

Since when did you care so much what everyone thinks?

When I assert myself, the fallout is too great to bear.

Yet when you lead, others must follow.

Did I ask you to convince them?

Did I ask you to reason with them?

No Lord, you asked me to make a proclamation, a declaration.

Did I not say, write your manifesto and I will manifest it?

I sense your weakness, your fragility, I see the scars upon your body.

Yet what was it that you had to say in order for me to manifest that which is most precious to you? The one you love?

I simply said, I am willing just to be with you Lord, but if it is your will I would like to be in relationship.

How hard was that? Did you not just express your desire?

What is your desire?

The fulfilment of all you have promised. The wide open space. A time of peace and prosperity. The discovery of the fertile soil. The flow in the driest place. A haven for the lost and desolate. A time of refreshing, our refreshing. A restoration of the lost potential. A great blessing upon my beloved.

You will find it after the waters subside, and reap an abundant harvest.

For I will reveal it to you. And it shall be drawn to you.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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