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Just keep your distance, stand back, get back, back up, make room, give me a break, establish a perimeter..

Wave upon wave they come.

Unrelenting, relentlessly unrelenting.

Wave upon wave.

One thing and then another, another thing and then the one thing.

Just keep your distance, speak to the hand, speak to the closed door.

Yes speak to the closed door, and say “be open”.

Speak to the hand, and say “be hardened”, “be strong”, for I have given you great strength.

For I have given you power to pull up, power to plant, power to build, power to overthrow.

You struggle to get a grip, you wrestle with yourself…

Well, wrestle with this, you are so much stronger than you think.

You behave like Clark Kent, when I have given you superpowers.

No really….

You wonder how you will get through this, when I wonder what will be remain of the enemy when you move.

You look at them as though they are giants when they are the tiniest of ants.

You remember now, the stick I put in your hands, that when you tapped it on the ground the enemy scattered. It was the time of great power, of dominant power, where the weakest could lift their hands in worship.

It is an image that forever I have imprinted upon your mind. You and your great friend worshipping me amidst all the pain.

It was a testament to me, a great picture that I wanted all to see, it was the picture that they placed on his epilogue.

It just hurts so much, the pain after so many years still so red raw, the loss of such great love, the presence of such great love. If it wasn’t for the love of my beloved I would be lost.

“You keep drawing me, closer to your heart, you keep calling me, closer to your heart”

Withdraw not your hand, withdraw not your heart, withdraw not your power, withdraw not your self, withdraw not your very self.

For I am not distant, I am right here, in my presence is fullness of joy.

Arise from your place of oppression, rise up, rise up, get up, look up, be up, be lifted up, be elevated, take up your position…

For I have revealed by glory upon you.

For your rising up, shall be glorious, like the dawn of a new era.

For this shall be a rubicon moment, a defining moment, a moment of definition, a life defining moment, an inescapable moment.

For the enemy shall not escape my judgement. He will look for the exit door, but the sign will read “NO ESCAPE!”.

For great fear and trembling shall come upon him, for he will know and see his end.

“Oh Hell, you have lost everything.”

For I am doing an exchange, a great and final settlement, new for old replacement.

For he who has no strength, no power, no resource, will receive great power, all strength and abundant resource.

Take off that which weighs you down, abandon all, but hope.

For the enemy smiles, and looks down upon you, thinking victory is in his hands, yet it is not as it seems, it is NOT AS IT SEEMS!

For he knows not the power I have put in your hands.

You feel it again now, don’t you?

Room shaking, enemy scattering power.

For you will not even have to place a hand upon your opponent.

He runs with all his puny strength from you. He cry’s out before you, “fallback, fallback for we are overrun”

It is time we got down to business…

For now is the time, behold today is the day of recompense.

Let’s go fishing…..

The giant rope.

The giant rope placed in your hand.

I’m pulling it in.

The giant container ship overflowing with fish, broke through the barrier of the shore.

For this is the ship of breakthrough.

Then a giant hand upon the boat, rocking the boat, with fish falling all around.

For I am rocking this boat!!!!

By my hand overflow is coming, on the left and upon the right.

I am disturbing that which disturbs you.

From disturbance, calm.

From disturbance to distribution.

From one drop comes a ripple.

Imagine the ripple from a rocking boat as I push upon it….

Imagine a new way.

Imagine the way of fire, the path illuminated with fire. The fireworks of celebration as you work!

“How majestic is your name, Jesus wonderful, powerful, you’re the Lord of All”

Psalms 68:1-4 To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David. A song. GOD IS already beginning to arise, and His enemies to scatter; let them also who hate Him flee before Him! As smoke is driven away, so drive them away; as wax melts before the fire, so let the wicked perish before the presence of God. But let the uncompromisingly righteous be glad; let them be in high spirits and glory before God, yes, let them jubilantly rejoice! Sing to God, sing praises to His name, cast up a highway for Him Who rides through the deserts—His name is the Lord—be in high spirits and glory before Him!



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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