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For this shall be the year of power!

The revealing of my power.

The revelation of power.

The presence of my power.

For you shall feel my power within and it shall be expressed without.

For you shall see evidence of my power.

A display of my great power.

It is time to shake things up.

It is time to make an impact.

It is time to leave an imprint.

For they shall know from whence you came, and they shall know the place where you are heading.

And you shall be their defining moment, a moment of definition, a moment of great clarity, an ahhhh ha moment, a moment of an epiphany.

And they shall feel the power I have given you.

Power to move.

Power to shift.

Power to proclaim.

Power to render that which is weak as though it is strong.

The power to make the strongest weak at the knees.

The power the lift up that which is heavy.

The power the take off that which is heavy.

The power to easily take the heaviest load.

The power to bring light to the darkness.

The power to render the powerful weak.

The power to disarm the powerful.

The power to raise up the weak.

The power to give strength to the weary.

The power to press in.

The power to alleviate the pressure.

The power to switch on the light, to bring light to the darkest place.

The radiance of my glory, the power of my glory shall shine through you.

The power to illuminate, to bring clarity, to bring definition to that which is stuck, to bring movement to that which is immovable.

I know you feel so weak, and yet you are not powerless.

You look for strength, you send out a search party for strength, you ponder where your strength has gone, it’s like you have put a sign on your door saying “power outage - please come back later.”

Yet you know the power I have placed within you.

You have seen the evidence of it, I have given you the vehicle of great power, you have seen the whole room shaking as you expressed yourself, as you expressed me!

Have I not given you divine strength that no hostile power can overcome?

Yes Lord!

So why so concerned with your weakness, your fragility, your pain, your posture, your position, when you have my power, my presence, my purpose, my proclamation, my fire?

You know I have so much to say, and so much to reveal through you.

You are so happy talking about the beauty of your beloved, the unwrapping, the exposing, the wonder, the glory of her beauty.

Yet you consider yourself ugly, weary, unworthy, a failure, one deserving of the lowliest place.

Yet I have given you the highest place, reserved a seat for you and stand ready to crown you with the highest honour.

So my question to you is…

Will you accept your position? Will you take up your position?

For my glory shines upon you now, the radiance of my beauty shines upon your face. For you are all my delight. It is my delight to show you off, to parade you amongst the ungodly, to declare you beautiful, to elevate you, to adorn you with the most precious jewels.

For you know this is me talking. For first I speak to you, and then you hear from others all around the world.

You discount yourself, yet I have counted you precious.

You are my chosen.

Through you I will reveal my power.

For this shall be the year of great power and authority. For your enemy trembles as he sees your lips move.

For he knows what is coming next.

Now is the time to arise, overtake and recover all, for this is my will for you.

Here, take my power with you, divine power that no hostile force can overcome.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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