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Positioned for Breakthrough

Positioned for Breakthrough

Beyond your control.

Out of control.


Beyond your ability to control.

Not a matter of skill.

Not a matter of strength.

A matter of surrender.

For the circumstance was beyond his ability to control.

He sought to overturn his own judgement.

He sought to change his mind after making a commitment.

He sought to control the outcome to serve his purposes.

He sought to delay and defer.

He sought to wear you down.

He sought to take you down.

He sought to wear you out.

Yet it was he who ended up wearing it!

It was quite a spectacle wasn’t it!

There you found yourself in the midst of it.

In a public forum.

In the place of the hearing.

In the place where all you could hear was my voice.

Words uttered in this place will be recorded for legal purposes, so the sign said.

Yet once again, in your state of tiredness, exhaustion, anxiety, frustration, pressure, unprepared and out of sequence, you asked for me to put my words on your lips.

Indeed I put my words on the judges lips too!

There you found yourself in the place of no control, yet you could only smile as your saw my hand in control.

From the one thing to the next, it was predetermined.

I took all the decisions. I set it up. I prepared the table in the presence of your enemy.

You could literally see my hand at work.

I know I broke the rules. I accelerated the process. I caused the Judge to act on your behalf.

It was I that caused your opponent to surrender.

I orchestrated every step.

You could see me conducting everything that took place.

When you didn’t know what to say, It was I that spoke on your behalf.

For your opponent was out of control.

For your opponent had run out of control.

His tank was empty.

When confronted he had nothing to say.

He could not provide a response.

For he was left empty handed.

It was I that brought the fullness.

In the place of lack I brought the fullness.

I brought completion.

I took charge.

In the hardest place wasn’t it so easy?

Yet here I find myself in another hard place, another opportunity for conflict and confrontation, yet with no opportunity for recompense.

Just let loose.

Seriously, just let loose.

Let loose.

Let me loose.

For you will again see my hands at work, my handiwork.

Why be despondent, why hand yourself over to a despot?

Surrender to me, not the circumstance.

You know what you want to say to me, go ahead make my day!

I am so tired of all this fighting! One conflict after another. One battle after another without respite or restitution. It has been too long since I won a victory that was beneficial for all. The battle is to just get paid, how is this a triumph?

Let’s go up higher.

Let’s take it up another level.

Actually let’s leap frog ahead, let’s skip some levels.

Another notch.

Another notch.

Did I not say I do my best work up close and when I am surrounded.

For who can defeat me?

1,000 to one was trivial to me.

165,000 to one was just a mornings work for me.

For the enemy tries and tries and tries to convince you that the odds are against you.

Was this not the whole point of his plan?

Yet how did that go for him?

For you know what it is like to have the odds stacked against you.

Did I not say that I would lull your opponent into a false sense of security?

For he loves to stack the deck in his favour. You were right to see that the odds were against you.

Yet from now I want you to see that no matter what it looks like I am in control.

Remember this demonstration of my power.

For you could see my hand turning the tide.

You could literally see my hand turning the tide.

And when you had the opportunity to say something, and didn’t know what to say, did not the right words come out of your mouth.

Yes Lord, the perfect words, as if you were speaking.

I was!

Position yourself for me to speak on your behalf.

Seriously get into position.

Whether in strife, or in lack, or in contention, or in court, or in poverty, or in brokenness, or in hopelessness, or in despondency, you are in the perfect position.

For I chose you to represent me.

Let me say that again I CHOSE YOU TO REPRESENT ME!

Why would I keep you hidden?

For now is the time of your coronation, now is the time of your promotion, let me do the marketing, let me open the doors.

For I love to prepare. For I am prepared. Yes you can see I am prepared.

There is nothing too hard for me.

For me the hard stuff is easy.

I do my best work when it is so hard.

Raise your expectation, for you have seen in this small thing what I am capable of.

For I declare you are in position for breakthrough.

It is time to let loose.

Seriously that is an order.

Seriously that is my order.




Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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