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Playing with fire!

Your body still trembles from the after effects.

You can feel the tremor within and without.

An image painted on the wall of your mind.

An image engraved on your very being.

A raging fire burning with such intensity that you can feel the temperature rise whenever it flashes up before you.

Such intense heat.

Such fire that blazes before you.

So intense that it would blind the eyes of another.

But what is it you see?

It bursts forth, it flares up, so high that it is higher than my head. I can see the flames dancing up and down, up and down, enjoying the show. Drawn to it, fascinated by it, my hands join the dance, directing the movement. Not burnt by it, fascinated by it, inciting it to burn brighter, to shine brighter.

“In a fire of your love is where I’ll stay”

I love how you do that Lord, pick any random song, and you speak to me in the midst of it all…

“As the fire of your love runs through my veins…”

“When I am a battle weary soldier, the world is heavy on my shoulders, and it feels like this war is never over, you fight for me. I see that God is always for me..”

“I see you and all my fears melt away.”

You and I keep coming back to this moment, so life defining, so life changing, so magnificent, so majestic, it still brings tears to your eyes, even now.

In a moment, in an instant it happened.

I diverted your attention.

I caused your eyes to move.

And there she was, in all her glory, in all her magnificence, in all my beauty, shining like a beacon, in neon lights, flashing my love before you.

For before that moment, you could only imagine what she would look like, and how she would hold herself, and what she would represent to you.

And just now, you held her face in your hands and saw the same beauty, the same glorious smile upon her face.

When you see her, I know you see my love shining so brightly in her eyes, a moment of glory flashes across her face and she smiles at you.

So beyond description, so beyond your ability to embrace, so beyond all that you could imagine.

For my loves dwells with you, my love calls your name, my love holds your hand, my love kisses your lips.

You could not even describe that which you wanted, you could not even define one thing that she represents.

Beyond imagination, beyond desire, beyond the limit, beyond yourself.

Do you not know?

Do you not understand?

Can you not embrace the fullness of my love for you?

For what is to come is so much more than want was before.

For you struggle to even remember your life before you met my love.

It’s like it pales so far into insignificance that it is not worth remembering.

Any before was simply a wishful thought, an ordinary desire, a mundane reflection of small request.

For I love to blow your mind.

Is she not the greatest gift!

Yes because she represents you so well Lord!

Beyond my reach, yet within my grasp, to touch her is all that I desire.

Restored transformation, transformed restoration, the holding of hands brings forth my handiwork.

Playing with her, is like dancing with fire.

You love to make her smile, yet have no knowledge of how this is done.

She continues to surprise you with her response.

Her joy is without formula, cannot be manufactured, is purely a reflection of me.

What are you trying to tell me Lord, for how does this explain the imprint of fire?

For my fire rages beyond the boundary, cannot be contained, cannot be put out, cannot be restrained.

It dances with you, it bursts forth the more you dance with it.

Yet it literally makes me weak at the knees. It is like you and I having an intimate moment, in the public eye. I struggle to stand up, I can feel your tangible presence so strongly, my whole body shakes in your presence.
At the same time, at the same moment I feel your power poured into me, your love, your desire, your confidence, your peace, your passion, the warmth of your embrace.

What I have given you is special.

Just like you cannot relate to couples who show no desire for each other.

It irritates you, it frustrates you so much, you just want to grab them with both hands and shake them loose, to unshackle them from their inhibitions, to light the fire of passion, to snap them out of their zombie like state.

“Stuff this platonic stuff” you say!

It fires you up, it makes you angry, it really pushes your buttons!

You feel my revelation rising up within you now.

For before you met her, your relationship with me was “platonic”.

We were good friends, close but within the established boundaries of what a good christian relationship should be. Coming into the house with solemn reverence, without a smile, suppressing all desire, full of rational reasons to be here, and for being!

But when she showed up, she completely rocked your world and still does!

Beyond reason, beyond the safety of rational protocols.

Such a wild ride, for you know the passion that was ignited within you.

You could not keep your hands to yourself.

You cannot be in the same room as her now, without wanting to embrace her, to hold her, to kiss her.

It was an uprising!

For you could not contain my love.

For you could not contain my love.

It bursts forth like fire within!

And there you sit, pondering how to fan the flame.

For when you stood in the midst of the mighty men, it was you and only you that felt the fullness of my passion, the fullness of my desire.

You could feel the intensity of it all, so strongly.

It was like being intimate with your beloved, in the midst of the crowd, so focused on each other that you had no care for what anyone else thought.

And yet it was different here. For I looked up, wiping tears from my eyes, shaking all over from what I experienced with you. I expected, I hoped that others would have had a similar moment. But was shocked and disappointed that they were trying to connect, but their reception was out of alignment. My spirit leapt at the sound of each word as the preacher spoke. It was music to my ears, and yet just describing the relationship we already had. It was like he was giving them a theory lesson, but I had years of practical experience.
For how does one describe love? Surely it must be felt, it must be experienced, it must be embraced!

I want to tell the world, I want to show the world how to receive your love!

You know what I am going to say about that don’t you?

What’s stopping you?


You wrestle with the desire to be private, to avoid rejection, to avoid disturbance, to stop the shaking.

For now you know.

Now you know why you shake when I am embracing you!

For I have sent you to show a different way, to highlight a different path, to reveal the path towards intimacy, to unveil my presence, yes to unveil my presence.

For it pours from your pores when you pause.

You wonder what the impact will be, and yet when you say only a few sentences about your beloved, it is these words that have the greatest impact.

The devil wants you to shut up your desire, to silence your voice, to keep you contained.

But I have come to expose my love, to bring forth, to blossom, to unfurl my love.

What if you are the instrument I have chosen to reveal my love?

What if you are the light that will break through the darkness, that shines in the darkest prison cell and releases all the captives?

Break out, break forth, break the containment lines, release the fire of my love, my passion, my desire.

Take off the garment of shyness, abandon all reason, release the passion of my fire.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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