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For my hand is upon you.

In the place of the pain.

A new placement in the place of the pain.

A placing upon.

A remantling in the place of the dismantling.

In the place of the removal.

In the place of the taking off.

In the place of demotion.

In the place of displacement.

In the place where you had no place.

In the unknown place.

In the place where you where not known.

In the unknown.

In the place where you were robbed.

In the place where your position was stolen from you.

A new disposition in the place of no position.

A new position in the place of disposition.

A new covering in the place without covering.

A new covering in the place of uncovering.

A new placement in the place without a place.

Where you had no place I am giving you my placement.

I am creating a position for you.

Take up your position.

Rest in your position.

Take the throne I have appointed for you.

Arise and be seated.

Take a seat.

For this is your seat.

This is your place.

Arise and take your place.

For I have reserved it for you.

This position only has one title.

This title can be shared with no other.

This one simply has your name on it.

For there is no other.

For there is no other you.

For there is no other use.

For it can not be occupied by another.

For there is no other.

For you look at yourself and say “who me?”

For when I have chosen you, when I am pointing you out, for when I have selected you, for when I have drafted you, for when I have appointed you, for when I have allocated this position…

What shall be your position?

For where will you sit?

For where will you allow yourself to be seated?

For how will you define yourself?

What will be your job description?

What will be your selection criteria?

For by what criteria will you appoint yourself?

Can you even describe yourself?

For they say of you “Man of many talents!”

But you cannot speak of one.

For you feel so lost.

For you cannot describe yourself.

For you have no words to describe yourself.

For when you have the sheep to look after you call yourself the shepherd.

Yet when you stand in the open space, how will you define yourself?

For you shall be called…
  • The possessor of the land.

  • The one who owns.

  • The one who sows.

  • The one who causes my seed to blossom.

  • The ruler of my people.

  • The one who opens.

  • The one who opens that which cannot be closed.

  • The open one.

  • The receiving one.

  • The welcoming one.

  • The fiery one.

  • The fountain of my goodness.

  • The beacon that shines across the land.

  • The powerful one, who possesses all my power.

  • The one who brings energy to all who plug in.

  • The one who unplugs, the one who breaks the chains.

  • The one who looses from bondage.

  • The one who brings freedom, who carries my freedom.

  • The reflective one.

  • The shining one.

  • The blessed one.

  • The strong one.

  • The calming one.

  • The refreshing one.

  • The bubbly one.

  • The unbroken one.

  • The restored one.

  • The redeemed one.

  • The anointed one.

  • The source.

For the mantle rests upon you.

A new appointment.

A fresh appointment.

A refreshing appointment.

For they shall say unto you “you’re welcome”, and you shall respond in kind, with kindness, with an outpouring of kindness.

For when they encounter you they shall feel so different, strangely different, they shall look at each other and know that goodness was here.

They shall come carrying their disappointment and leave carrying a new appointment.

For they shall come in perceiving you one way, and leave with a whole new perspective.

They shall come to you with their discomfort and leave with your comfort.

For when you don’t know who you are, just wear my mantle, just allow me to define you, allow me.

Speak all I have commanded you to say, and do not be dismayed at the look upon their faces.

For their faces reflect their disposition.

Your face reflects your position.

For it pours from your pores when you pause and reflect.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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