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Peeling Back

Peeled back.


A shedding of the skin.

For some fruit lies within.

For some skin cannot be eaten.

For some skin is not fit for consumption.

Some skin is designed solely to contain my fruit.

Some skin is part of the fruit.

Some skin is part of the mechanisms of growth.

For the bark peels off as the tree grows.

For some skin must be peeled off in order to consume that which lies within.

Some skin peels by itself, is shed by itself.

Some skin must be removed by the one who consumes that which lies within.

You can tell the ripeness of the fruit by the colour of the skin that covers it.

Yet some coverings must remain.

Yet some layers should be retained.

Some mantles must remain upon you.

Mantles of fire.

Mantles of power.

Fabrics of power.

Material instruments.

Some instruments of power must be unsheathed.

For I have given you the sword and the spear of fire.

For it burns in your hands, yet it does not burn your hands.

A mighty instrument of great power.

Possessing unlimited power.

Needing no power supply, for the power it possesses comes from my hand, from your hand, by my hand.

For it triggers that which was dormant to come back to life.

It powers up that which looked like it was dead.

A new circuit.




A new pathway.

A fresh pathway.

An unbroken circuit.

Bringing life to that watch was dead.

New circuitry.

New levels of power never experienced before or since.

Lighting up the pathways of power.

Passing from one circuit to the next, lighting up a whole city.

For a city lacking in power, shall now be powered by me.

Full of power.

Unbridled power.

Unrestricted power.

Power in a whole new level.

For you shall possess power at the very fabric of your skin.

A covering of power.

A new mantle of power.

A new covering of great power.

A new coat of power.

For I am restoring your power to you.

I am repairing the damage that was done.

For the greatest wound shall become the greatest source of power.

For so shall your light shine before men, like the noonday sun.

And I saw a fire peeling back the layers, peeling back that which was solid, like the skin. And yet all of it was not consumed, the layers become like the petals of a flower, and the centre of it, the stem of it burst forth with sparks of fire.

For there is a peeling back in order to reveal my unimaginable fire.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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