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When peace like a river attends to my way, when sorrow like sea billows roll, thou hast taught me to say it is well with my soul.

Be at peace my love.

Take a breath my love.

Feel my peace, for you are my chosen one.

For my peace falls upon you like the rain.

For in the place of your pieces I pour out my peace.

For I see your hand.

For I see your hand.

For I have revealed my hand.

I see you trying to grasp it.

I see you trying to take hold of it.

Yet it flows in your hand.

You try and cup your hand in order to preserve it, to take hold of it, to grasp its fullness.

You try to take hold of that which I have given you the power to release.

You think it will run out if you don’t have hold of it.

Yet it flows from your hand.

It is the work of my hands.

For does not the water flow from the very heavens above?

Allow yourself to breathe.

Let my flow refresh your weary soul.

For my love has hold of you.

For that which was over you is now beneath you.

For in the place of the fall, my goodness flows.

For it matters not how you hold your hand, when my rain falls upon you.

For who can contain my fullness, my goodness?

For your lack cannot stand my fullness.

Yet resistance is futile, for when my rain falls who can stop it, who can tell it to stop?

Only you Lord.

For nothing shall disturb you.

For my flow covers you.

For in the place of the pall.

In the place of the burial, I will cause the very heavens to cry for you.

I will shed my own tears for you.

I will do your crying for you.

I will shed my tears for you, on behalf of you, I will express myself for you.

For in her presence you never needed to say a word, she always knew before you opened your mouth, what you were going to say.

Until her dying breath she knew you the best of anyone.

In her presence you always knew it would work out ok.

For my love was just showing off.

For the one who knows my love, can only know love.

For she was my vestibule of strength, in her I put my strength on display, wrapped up in my love and affection.

For she was the embodiment of selflessness, for she did not consider herself, her only consideration was the need of others.

She sought never to be a burden, but to take the burden off the shoulders of another.

I made her strong so that she could bear the burden of so many others.

For she was unbreakable, resolute, bursting forth with my enduring love and affection.

For the one who was downtrodden, the one who was placed under the foot of the enemy, made such an impact that no-one could walk by without noticing what was before them.

She was my roadblock to the advance of the enemy.

She would always get in the way of any opposition.

She was unafraid of any opponent.

I gave her the power to direct the life of the criminal.

She was offensive to the offender.

She was offensive to offence.

She was not shy about it.

You always knew what she was thinking.

She did not just have an opinion, but spoke the truth.

When pressed upon my generosity spread forth beyond the boundary.

What is it you see right now?

Her taking the hand of the one she loves and spinning around with such joy and delight, the glory of the Lord beaming across their faces.

Can you not feel the shift?

What is it you see now?

The darkest clouds from the greatest storm lifting, your sun bursting through, shining through across the whole land.

For the dark shall give way to the light.

For the dark shall give way to the light.

For the dark shall make way for the light.

For the dark shall retreat in the presence of my light.

For my rain pours out such a blessing that you shall not contain it.

Yet my light comes now, so that you may enjoy it, and receive the fullness of that which has been poured out.

For who can contain my love?

I love to be carried away.

I love to be extravagant.

I love to splash my goodness around.

I am not in any way restrained.

For the largest dam ever made, in no way offers any limit or boundary to my fullness.

For her life has now been poured out like a drink offering.

There is so much overflow.

For in her I placed all my faith, hope and love.

The strongest chains could not hold her down.

For she was resolute.

For the three folded cord was not broken.

For faith compelled her to hope.

For hope did not disappoint.

Hope appointed her for love.

Love caused her to believe.

So breath again.

Drink again from the well of her life.

Love again.

Hope again.

Believe again.

Embrace all that you cannot grasp.

For the winter is over and gone, and the glory of the spring has come.

New life blossoms before.

Bathe in its beauty and majesty.

Hold fast for I am coming soon!



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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