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For it is not as it seems….







Yet my forward movement crushes all that stands in its way.

For that which was an obstacle is now crushed by my momentum.

The large broken pieces now like grains of the sand.

For I told you to say “of course”.

To see from the landscape that there is no path, and yet to declare “of course”, not “off course.”

The enemy wants to give you an object lesson, an obstacle lesson, a roadblock. To cause you to deviate from the path. A gift designed to being you down, to hold you down, to cause you to leave yourself behind, to abandon all hope.

Yet it is not as it seems.

For that which stands in your way, shall pave your way.

The broken rocks, when ground finely enough become a smooth path for your feet.

The vehicle I have given you shall decimate, annihilate, crush, bring to nothing all that stands in your way.

Be not crushed by the opposition, be fueled by it, for you shall overcome it.

For a moment it deflates you, yet in a moment it shall inflate you.

For a moment it takes your breath away, yet in a moment it shall expand you.

For a moment it slows your momentum, yet in a moment it shall bring forth greater momentum.

For what does it matter if you take a longer path to your destination, is that not your desire?

For when you are having a great adventure, why would you want to cut it short?

Even from a child you the only fiction that would interest you was called “The Adventures of Tom Swift”. What a laugh aye. For what you loved the most was that it was a serial with lots of books, without the need to worry about the adventure coming to a close too quickly.

For it is in your nature to possess the deep, and you have no interest in the shallow, the short, the quick, the short novel has no value to you, for it is not worth the effort.

The perfect adventure for you is well paced, with moments of acceleration, moments of reprieve, moments of tension, moments of desire, moments of calm, moments of passion, moments where you are on the edge, moments of crisis, moments of a set back, moments of great momentum. You hate that which lags, yet if there is a lag that serves a purpose you appreciate the pause.

For say again unto you, “it pours from your pores when you pause.”

Over and over, over and over, over and over, more and more, more and more, again and again, precept by precept, line by line, I am retraining you for greatness.

For when you are surrounded by the poor, the thirsty, the parched, the ones in need of refreshment, the ones in desperate need of the flow, why hurry to be on your way?

For you remember well the laughs of the great survivor party, how the boys ran so fast carrying the flimsy cup full of water to take it to the empty place, in order to bring fullness.

The faster they ran, the more the held on to what was in their hand, the more they were unable to bring anything by the time they reached their destination.

The girls gently carried what they had, and took their time to get there, and ultimately won the race.

In the place.

In the place of chaos.

In the dry place.

In the dark place.

In the depressed place.

In the deflated place.

In the desolate place.

In the place of greatest lack.

In the place of turbulence.

In the place of panic.

In the place of tension.

In the place of tooing and frooing.

In the place of agitation.

You shall be my resting place.

What is it you see now?

I see myself standing there in the desert, holding an overflowing cup!

Look again, what is it you see?

A great fountain rising higher and higher across the dry land.

So here you have found yourself.

When everything within you wants to escape, to hop in your car and drive away, I have caused you to sit.

When you want to move on, I have stopped you in your tracks.

When you want to press fast forward, I have pressed pause!

For I have given permission.

For I have given permission for patience.

For I have given permission to patience. Let her have her perfect work.

For your accuser said “you are a procrastinator, a perfectionist” and ridiculed you with a graphic he downloaded from the internet.

What an affront.

What a laugh.

In order to comment on you and to assess your performance he had to do a google search to find something to say about you.

Yet this is what patience looks like to your accuser.

For he has none.

He thinks that by slowing your progress, you will give up and quit.

But he has no knowledge of who you really are.

For you know well what I am talking about…

Yes Lord it reminds me of the learned man, the professor who would always pause for way too long before speaking. It was so frustrating having to wait for an answer, yet so profound when it came.

Yes I have given you the pregnant pause.

A moment of calm before the birth.

A moment to pause.

A movement, a momentum I call a pregnant pause.

A moment of apparent stillness.

A moment where everything stops.

Yet you can see, you know to expect everything to change.

For when the mother “to be” comes to a stop, you know what is “to be”, you know what is to come, you know what is to become of her.

For the one shall become two.

For from the one shall come the two.

From the enclosed place.

From the hidden place.

From the restricted place.

From the place that is hard to penetrate.

From the one with the hidden place, comes the birth of something new.

For what is conceived in the dark, is multiplied in the place of confinement, and at the appointed time, bursts forth into the light.

A moment of great glory.

A glorious moment.

For what was conceived, has now come into the light.

For what was so small, and so hidden that you need a microscope to observe it, now comes into the light as a living breathing creation.

For in the place of the pause.

In the place of the afterglow.

In the place of the climax.

At the pivotal moment, greatness is conceived.

The great outpouring has come.

The manifestation of the seed.

The birth of the flow.

The land the flows.

For your land shall flow.

This is the place of the flow.

For it pours from your pores when you pause.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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