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New found.

I have found.

I have found that which is new.

I have found that which is new for you.

It is a new thing not an old thing.

New found freedom.

New found influence.

New found power.

New found passion.

New found intimacy.

New found affection.

New found desire.

For it has dawned upon you.

Like a fresh dew that is due.

For you know what gets you up in the morning.

You know the question that everyone asks?

What is your passion?

Yes that is it!

But you have a different answer, indeed a different question.

Who is your passion?

You want to say...

You know the answer Lord. Is she not the one I love to be with? Is she not my hearts desire? Is she not the one I wait to come through the door so I can be close to her?

Yet without desire there is no passion.

There you are going around in circles but you know what is missing.

Will you answer the first question?

What is your passion?

For first the attraction.

First the drawing.

First the shape.

Then the shaping up.

Drawn to the drawing.

For you love to look upon.

First the fascination then the attraction.

The compelling of movement.

The invitation to come closer.

For surely this is that which causes a shift.

For you could not stand still.

You could barely stand up.

For the strength of your desire builds the strength of your passion.

Here let me help you with your answer.

You sit there in a state.

But without passion there is no resolve.

Without the drawing there is no desire.

For my love draws you out.

It compels you, it propels you to come forward, to draw near.

Look out.

No seriously look out!


For this is the fulfilment of your hearts desire.

What is it you see?

A growth spot. In the place of expected decay, where the dying leaf lay, a growing spot of green.

For that which you long for stands before you.

Yet I care not to be loved, only to love. I have no desire to receive only to give.

Yet what stands before you is new.

Behold I am doing a new thing, will you not earnestly give heed to it.

A new expression.

A new form.

A new shape.

A new desire.

An unexpected unveiling.

It is the same but so different.

You felt it so strongly last night. Was it not a ahhhha haaaa moment!

I was so excited to see the look on your face.

You could feel the energy rising.

There it is again.

For your love can not, shall not, will not be suppressed.

I have placed a suppression order on your enemy. For he shall remain silent. He shall be prohibited from speaking.

For there is no limit to your love.

There is no limit to your passion.

Expect a new thing, look for a new thing, for it is about to be birthed.

I’ll worship in passion, with all that I am, I love you... Praise to the left, praise to the right.

For it will blow your mind, awaken your consciousness, strengthen your resolve.

For it shall not be contained, but will spread forth to the right and the left.

For what is the opposite of oppression?

Is it not passionate desire!

For one strains to contract.

The other bursts forth with great delight.

You know exactly what I mean, for I have given you so many lessons in love from your beloved.

For it is impossible for you to be depressed when my love smiles with delight at you.

For you can only reflect upon her expression.

For your only response is to celebrate with joy and delight.

The bursting forth, the unveiling of exposure, the revealing of all my delight.

For all will be so different.

Don’t resign yourself, re sign yourself, sign up again to yourself, for you have the kings endorsement.

Rise up oh mighty one, gird your sword upon your side, and ride out in a spirit of humility and in triumph.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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