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Passed the Point

Passed the Point

For you are well passed the point.

For you are well, passed the point.

For you are well when you have passed the point.

For you have long passed the point.

For you are well past the point.

There is no turning back.

For the one thing shall become a whole nuther thing.

For you are in the place of the becoming.

For what appears so dark is indeed.

For what appears so dark is INDEED.

For the darkness is the place of the deed.

In the place of darkness.

Instead of darkness.

In the place of substitution.

In the place of the exchange.

In the place of the swap.

The old for new replacement.

For what was old, is now new.

The old creature, now a whole new thing.

In the place of darkness.

In the period of your confinement.

In the place of your confinement.

In the place of reconception.

A taking of the old, and a transforming into the new.

New for old.

Old but new.

Same ingredients but a new mix.

Yes, this is a new mix.

An entirely new movement.

Yes an entirely new movement.

New instruments of movement.

New mechanisms of movement.

Not across, but down and up, up and down.

Not so grounded, but lifted up.

For I have lifted you up.

For when you rose, I arose.

For when you took a stand, I stood with you.

The warmth of your presence invaded the room.

You love and kindness to all broke out.

There was a shift, the moment you took a stand.

It was the place of the uplift.

It was the place of the rising up.

It was the place of elevation.

Not the place of happenstance, but the place of the happening as you took a stance.

It was unexpected.

It was out of order, out of the prescribed order, out of the agreed order.

Yet my love broke through the darkness.

My oil of joy poured out in the midst of despair.

My light breaking through the veil.

My light breaking through the veil of darkness.

It was by design.

You did not know how to behave.

You did not have the words to describe.

Yet your words had such impact.

You felt like it was a vision.

You felt like you were in a daze.

Bombarded on all sides.

A rainstorm of emotions.

A whirlwind of unfamiliar voices.

The imposition upon you.

The structural imposition upon you.

The culture of honour, yet without honour.

The glorification of culture, yet without glory.

The unfamiliar path.

The unexpected path.

The path of the fallen.

Yet the path of the uprising.

A taste of that which is to come.

The missing of the point.

The enunciation of the word, yet without any understanding of it.

The sight, without insight.

The wisdom, yet lacking humility.

The hidden talents.

The buried talents.

I’m making a resurrection moment.

I’m calling for an uprising.

Come forth.

Come out.

Come out of the tombs.

They seemed so fascinated by the dead, staying with the dead, returning to the tomb.

Why look for the living amongst the dead?

In the moment of the passing, I have done a new thing.

For you are well passed the point.

The entering into darkness.

The point of transformation.

The uprising into the light.

Come into the light.

Be uplifted.

Be the one who lifts up.

For I have given you the means to lift.

For I have given you the wings to lift.

Come up higher.

Be not down.

For the butterfly only comes down to rest and reproduce.

Come up higher so that my glory may be fully displayed.

For it is the same but so different.

This is the new life I have for you.

Ask and you will receive.

Seek and you will find.

Knock and the door will be opened for you.

For this is the time of the asking.

For you know what to ask for.

For I have cancelled the suppression order.

For I have granted you permission to speak.

For what you manifest, I will make manifest.

New colours.

The absence of dullness.

The presence of fullness.

For this is a new season.

Embrace this season.

Take hold of the change.

For this is what upgrade feels like.

Did I not say it would require some realignment, some adjustment?

For what is coming is so much greater than what was before.

I declare you are well passed the point.

There is no turning back.

For now is the time of your rising.

You ponder with wonder at it all.

You feel the cords of restriction, yet it is time to come out of the cocoon.

It is time to come out of the place of the wrapping.

For you shall be wrapt with all that is to come.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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