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When you dodge what the enemy throws at you, I will use it to pave a way forward.

The slingstones have missed their mark.

Don’t accept what the enemy throws at you.

Don’t take it on board.

Let it pass you by.

Throw it off, lay it down….

Take my coat.

For I have got you covered.

Watch what you are wearing.

For what the enemy gives you is just a put on. Is just a set up. Indicates how he sees you, and how he wants you to see yourself.

Receive the coat I have given you.

What distinguishes the ordinary man from an extraordinary man?

You recognise the general from what he wears.

You recognise the soldier from his armour.

Does not the king wear his royal robes?

You hesitate to put it on, you pause and look at it.

For is Clark Kent any different from Superman?

Does he possess any less power, any less strength?

No Lord but he pretends to be ordinary, he wants to be undercover.

Yet, who told you were ordinary?

To what advantage is it to you to remain undercover?

I am not confronted by the obligations that come with the suit. I have choices to move or to stay still. To help or to remain in the shadows.

Yet Samson did not have a super suit, yet he was under my cover.

He lulled the enemy into a sense of false security.

Yet was not insecure, he knew who he was, and what power I had placed in his hand.

When confronted he let loose, he let me loose, he simply released my power.

Even those who barely know you have said “Holy Spirit” is upon you.

You smiled, as though it was something new to you, and yet you hesitate to let me out, to break forth, to explode with my power.

You lie there in the foetal position, trying to hold me in, trying to keep it together.

Yet do you not see, have you not heard, I have birthed something new?

Whatever you do, however you behave, my power rests upon you!

For it rests in your hand, it cannot be held back, it cannot be stopped, it must be released.

You have seen it for yourself, cars literally moving out of your way as you moved your hand.

What holds you back?

What keeps you from moving forward?

Stop crying out to me and move forward.

Lift up your hand and watch me part the waters, part the ways, make a way where there is no way.

For I have placed the way in your hands, it shall be as you declare.

Be not intimidated, for the enemy quakes and shakes and breaks and flees as you advance.

For it is not as it seems, you regard yourself as weak, weary and worn out, but it is time that you wear out my coat, you put on the mantle that I have ordained for you.

For it is the coat of many colours, the coat of great power and authority, the coat of the waymaker.

For you know what I am talking about, for I have imprinted this upon you heart and mind and body.

A suit made of gold and bronze, maile, impenetrable, yet flexible, stronger than steel. Legions of soldiers surrounding me, attending to me, awaiting my command. I stood out from the crowd, amongst the crowd, leading the crowd. As I moved they all moved with me as one.

It is time for you to become what I have called you to be. Fear not the multitude that comes against you, for there is more on your side than theirs.

They came for the one, to capture the one, to overthrow the one, to throw out the one, yet I have called you Legion. You shall be called Legion, for you possess the power of the many. For you have the appearance of the one, but the power of the many, to overthrow all that comes against you.

You shall walk amongst the tombs, to release the captives, to bring life from the place of death, to cause an uprising, a rising up.

You feel it now don’t you, you want to cry out, you want to release the cry of freedom, you want to release that which I have placed within you.

You want to leave, you don’t what to make a scene, yet you shall be the scene maker, the provider of a new scene, a new way, from the place of defeat, where the defeated shall say “we are more than conquerors”. For through you I will conquer defeat, those that are disappointed, defeated, lost, broken will be my overcomers.

It is time….

Time for overthrow.

Time to throw out.

Time to take your position over.

For you shall say “I am over it”, and then be over it.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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