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I see you marking out your territory.

Painting the lines of demarcation.

Establishing a perimeter.

Drawing a line of limitation.

Drawing a line of constraint, of restraint.

For you want to define the boundary.

Define the limits.

Mark out a definition.

Define what is in, and what is out.

It is like you want to send one sperm towards the egg.

For you shall.

For you shall.

For you shall.

For you shall cast.

For you shall cast your seed.

For you shall cast your seed upon.

For you shall cast your seed upon all.

For you shall cast your seed upon all waters.

For you shall cast your seed upon that which flows.

For I am dispersing your seed.

Across the land.

Across the globe.

I am breaking off all limits.

I am operating without restraint.

For whom shall define my territory?

For I have called you to spread out.

An abundance of flow, an overflow of abundance.

For what is it you see?

A great pouring out upon the dry land, and as you pour it spreads out far and wide, beyond the horizon. For it is so dry it lacks absorption.

Look again, what is it you see?

A great outpouring upon the fertile land, as it flows it penetrates deep within the depths of the ground.

For you shall spread out deep and wide.

Beyond the depths.

For from the depths you come.

For from the deep places I have called you.

Look again what is it you see?

Me rising out from the depths and stepping upon the driest ground. As I walk I leave great pools of water behind in each footprint.

For you shall bring breath and depth to every one you meet.

For I have given you more than enough.

For I have given you more than enough.

For I have given you more than enough.

For I have given you more, so much more, so that it overflows upon the edge.

The overflowing cup.

The antidote for every lack.

For you carry the source materials.

For you carry my resource.

For you go with my flow.

For out of the abundance of my heart your mouth speaks.

Repeat after me “be refreshed!”

Repeat after me “take this for there is so much more from where that came!”

Look not at what you have, look only at what I am giving you.

Look again what is it you see?

The faces of those you have entrusted to me, seeking you, waiting for you, responding to my direction, encouraged by the one I love to direct.

Yes, that is it!

Don’t you know I have given you my authority, my endorsement, my voice, my power, my delight, my freedom?

I see the look upon your face, the look of “who me?”

It is time to take of the mantle of exile, of rejection, of discouragement, of disappointment, of lowliness.

For I have appointed you to the highest place, the elevated place, the chosen place, the place of delivery.

For I am renaming the nursery, it shall now be called the place of deliverance, the delivery room, the place where people come to be delivered, to deliver supplies, to give birth, to nurture those who have been delivered.

For once you heard, once you understood, now you know, now you have evidence, now you have seen and heard what power I have given you.

For have you not heard, have you not seen?

What position does the one have, who has leaders, generals, harvesters, royalty, rulers, and prophets under his command?

The one who possesses my authority, the one I have appointed to rule, the one I have approved of, the one I have chosen to deliver my people.

For you shall have.

For you shall have no limit.

For you shall be without restraint.

For you shall be without reserve.

Don’t hold back, for you shall not be embarrassed.

Be like Elijah who took on the 400 and made a mockery of them.

Look for me, ask for my fire to fall, expect my fire to fall.

Expect an explosion.

Expect an explosion of growth.

From the smallest to the largest.

From a “small church”, to a church that overwhelms the boundary line, who causes an explosion in the enemies camp.

Can you not see it?

Like a nuclear bomb rising up above the ground, like an explosion of light, disrupting the advance of the enemy, causing great alarm for those who oppose, causing great awe and wonder to those who a receptive to it.

It is time for an uprising.

It is time for a revolution.

For it is the time of the turning.

It is time for another revolution.

Look again what is it you see?

Your hand turning a giant wheel, that causes the whole earth to move.

For the one you are with is mighty.

For the one you are with is almighty.

For the one you are with has all dominion.

The one you are with has all power.

The one who holds your hand cannot be defeated.

There is no limit to my territory.

There is no fortress too strong to prevent my advance.

It is time to make a move.

It is a time for new movement.

It is time for awe and wonder.

A display that causes awe and wonder.

It is time to say “wake up!”

It is time to say to the one who walks in a stupor, “look out!”.

For I am about to disrupt the plans of the enemy.

It will be an unexpected thing, but not a subtle thing.

For the time of the subtle is over!

Be overt!

Come out from the covers.

For I am unveiling the promise.

I am unveiling my presence, my present.

For I am about to blow your mind.

Repeat after me and say “Oh my goodness!”

For you are about to have an OMG moment, and Oh My God! Moment!



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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