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Haha, made you laugh.

Seriously it was so funny.

I see you trying not to laugh even now.

But the more you try to be serious, the more you crack me up!

Seriously, what a laugh!

Seriously, what laughter!

To more you try to get serious about laughter, the more you make me laugh!

For there is no formula to joy.

There is no algorithm, there is no set path to joy!

Joy shows up when you least expect it.

For you think it lies ahead of you, but it appears in a form you don’t recognise.

There you sat behind the pretentious one.

The one with the car that is all about status, with the driver that wanted to be in front, that had positioned himself to be first.

But you had seen all this before, it had the look of power, but was not the full performance model. And that was no guarantee that the driver would find the accelerator pedal when needed!

You had come to the point where you had to make a choice.

To join the pack of the regular people, to resign yourself to a place where they set the pace, or to position yourself with expectation, to align yourself with those in power.

And then the light changed.

And then the light changed.

And then the light changed.

From stop to go.

From a halt to a change in permission, to a change in colour, to an opportunity for change in movement.

Then you released the power I had placed within you.

The revelation rose, as the revolutions rose.

For that which was in front of you, made room for you.

That which you were in pursuit of, you found within you.

For that which was lost, became manifest!

There it is again!

You wonder were your joy went?

Yet now it rises within you!

Like a fire shut up in your bones.

Like a “jack in a box” it springs forth from the box.

For my joy causes your enemy to flee from you.

My joy has your enemy running scared.

What a laugh!

You should have seen the look on his face!

What a laugh!

For those with power will make room for you!

For those in power cannot escape your pursuit.

For try as they might, try with all their might, they cannot escape the almighty!

It is time to release my power.

It is time to take up your position.

It is time to give yourself permission.

It is time exercise your power.

It is time to have a laugh!

It is time to take the risky path.

It is time to take the covers off.


For you sit in the place of power.

For you sit in the place of transformation.

For you sit in the place of acceleration.

For you sit in the low risk vehicle.

You heard me!

The low risk vehicle!

You make me laugh Lord!

Funny that!

Funny that!

For you understand what I am talking about.

For I saw you laughing when you read the reports of how your car had been marked down by the safety council, because it lacked lane change assist and radar cruise control, and was considered dangerous to rear occupants in the event of a crash.

It was such a laugh! My response was who buys a Mustang for its safety features! You buy it because it has an element of risk!

I can see the smile on your face as you know what I want to talk about.

Which is the safest vehicle? The Mitsubishi auto or the Mustang GT!

You make me laugh Lord!

Am I messing with you?


For so many would think the safest vehicle is the slowest, until they pull out to overtake what is in front of them!

And then it hits them!

And then it hits them!

You make me laugh Lord, for unless they have a long road with no oncoming traffic - it will hit them!

And how is it for you?

I think about what is in front of me, and command them to move out of the way - they pull over because they see what is behind them! Or if they stay where they are, it is only a matter of a moment and I am passed them.

Because they see what is behind them, they make way!

For they shall see the power that you possess.

For they shall see the joy on your face as your overtake.

For it is your destiny to overtake and recover all.

For in this time, I have taken my time, for I wanted you to become familiar with power, with what it is like to have undefeatable power!

I see you smiling again.

For I saw you breaking the limit when you were out in the country!

I saw you “going for it!”

It was such a laugh, because you thought for a moment you would exercise your freedom, you would release my power, and reckoned as you were in the middle of no-where the risk was low.

It was such a laugh!

I saw the beaming smile on your face as you BROKE THE LIMIT!

Not just a little over, but way over!

For a fleeting moment, freedom and joy broke out all around.

What a laugh!

But then I had to stir you up, I had to take it up a notch.

Just as you slowed down, you came around the corner, and what did you see?

A vehicle of limitation, pulled over on the side of the road.

Yes that is the way to describe it, a vehicle of limitation!

For what authority does limitation have on your life!

When you walk with me, when you walk with me, when you take risks with me, when you go for a joy ride with me, my joy overflows in the place of lack, in the place of limitation.

For my joy overflows in the place of lack.

My joy bursts forth beyond all limitation.

It is time to be overjoyed.

Seriously - I know how much you are over it.

But now it is time to be overjoyed by it.

For the limitation does not apply to you.

For I have wed you to the breaker of any limitation, I have given you divine strength that no hostile power can overcome.

Be overcome with joy!

Overcome with joy!

Be overjoyed!



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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