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Hello is anyone there?

Here but not here.

Seen but unseen.

Visible but invisible.

Present but absent.

Regarded but disregarded.

Relevant but irrelevant.

Found but undiscovered.

Revealed but hidden.

Open but closed.

Here but not present.

In proximity but distant.

Here but far away.

Close but so far away.

Known but unknown.

Real but really unreal.

Explained but not felt.

Seen but unseen.

Present but absent.

Possessing all power, but restricted.

Walking amongst the dead, but living.

In the darkness, holding my light.

Spoken of, but restrained from speaking.

Explained but not demonstrated.

Held back, when free.

Freedom presented as a present, but never unwrapped.

Bound to be free, yet held by the chains of unbelief.

Spoken of.

Represented but not present.

You could feel the overflow.

The flowing over the edge.

The pouring from your pores when you paused.

The contention for that which was freely given.

The posture to receive contending with the posture to hold back.

The flow of my cup, lapped up by the thirsty, yet flowing over the dry.

You could feel the tension between desire to give, and the ability to receive.

The desire to pursue and the desire to be held.

For one pursues another, the giver chasing the receiver.

For my love cannot be restrained, my love knows no boundary, I am extravagant with my love, your cup overflows with my love.

For you go with my flow.

Let that sink in!


For my flow knows no boundary, no limit, no container, no restriction, pours out beyond your ability to contain.

It breaks the bonds of confinement.

Let me say that again!


Can you not see the shedding of the skin!

Can you not feel the breaking of that which confines and contains!

For you know what happens beyond the boundary, you know what happens at the point of breaking!

For one who has stored much, must go to the storehouse, must release that which as been contained, must build an organic container, a cocoon of transformation, an incubator of transformation, a building in order to rebuild, a container designed to birth freedom.

For you shall give birth to freedom.

For I am giving you the wings to break free from all that contains.

For when the building is built.

For when the building is built.

For when the building is built.

For when the house is built, it shall not house, it shall not be a place of habitation, but a means of release, a means to multiply, a means to an end, a means to a beginning, a means to reproduce, a means to set free, a vehicle of freedom, an instrument of freedom, a mechanism of freedom, a means to set free, a conduit to freedom, a conduit for my flow, a means to come and go, a means to fly.

Shake off all restraint.

For what flows into you, must flow out of you.

For what I have placed within you shall come out of you.

Why so surprised that you wander amongst the dead and dying, when you are my source of life.

For you could feel it.

For you could feel me.

For you feel me.

For you feel my flow.

For you shall pour out my flow.

For the one recognised.

For the one it was revealed.

For the one responded.

My joy rose up within you both.

It was like a private joke you kept to yourself.

But the time is coming, and is here now, that you will be without restraint.

For the devil has convinced you not to make a scene, to take a back seat, to be behind the stage, yet it is I that calls you out, that will not let you be hidden.

For the time of transformation is here.

The time of release is here.

The time of the flow is here.

The time to go out is here.

The time to fly is here.

The time of freedom is here.

Say to yourself “feel free!”

Say unto your self “be free!”

Say unto yourself “don’t hold back you won’t be embarrassed!”

Say “I am is for you!”

Overflow, be without restraint.

For you shall overflow the limitation imposed by your enemy.

For when the river overflows the bank.

For when the flood comes.

For when my goodness cannot be contained.

For when my flow burst forth.

For I care not for the limit of man.

I do not consider the limit, but provide the means to go beyond it.

There is always a choice to be overwhelmed, or to overflow.

Or to become numb to it all, unreceptive to it all?

Yet my joy flows all around.

Are you laughing with me?

Be without restraint, and you will be free.

Go out this day and speak all I have commanded you to say, be all who I have made you to be, the forerunner of freedom, the breaker of chains, the instrument of freedom, the champion of freedom.

Go with my flow.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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