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I know you are “over” that which is due.

That which is past due.

That which was passed and never come due.

I see you pressing down.

I see you under pressure.

It cracks me up.

Now it cracks you up.

For the more you push the more you come to realise that now is not the time.

For who can bring to birth sooner than the appointed time?

For at the natural time.

For when the time comes.

For when the time of the coming has come.

For when the time of the times has come.

For the pressure you feel is one of expansion, of multiplication.

For that which I have placed within you grows beyond the natural boundary line.

For at the brink of the containment, comes forth the overflow.

First the overdue.

Then the overflow.

At the point of convergence.

At the point of collection.

At the convergence of collection.

For I am taking you back.

For you shall be taken aback.

Do not be caught up in the whirlwind.

Do not be caught up in the whirlpool.

For there shall be many points of collection.

At the point of fascination.

At the point of awe and wonder.

For many shall come to see it.

For upon plain.

For upon the sand.

For upon the shore.

For upon that which was covered.

For upon the bed.

For upon the ocean bed.

For you shall walk upon the ocean bed.

For what do you see?

A whirlwind, an elevated whirlpool. A point of convergence, a point of collection. A new atmosphere. An unseen thing. An untold thing. A new thing. Beyond description. It looks like a hurricane, a tornado. Yet it hangs there in the sky. And all around is undisturbed by it. A point of fascination. For it contains the storm. It contains your power. It contains your blessing.

For the point of collection is to collect all my blessing. It is like a net that contains all my blessing.

For the time of the release is coming.

For you shall feel it in the mist, you shall feel it in the midst.

An outpouring.

A mouth of my jug of my goodness.

For it pours from your pores when you pause.

For the place of the barrenness shall he called the place of my fullness.

For my goodness shall rain upon you.

For my goodness shall rain upon this land.

For in the dry place there shall be my fountain of goodness.

Spraying all around.

Spreading all around.

For I have commanded my goodness to multiply, my goodness to spread out.

For you shall spread out to the right and to the left. For there shall be no place that does not experience the effects of my goodness.

Say Ahhhhh.

Say “be refreshed”.

Say “let your refreshing streams flow”

Decree “for the desolate place shall experience my fullness.”

For the drought has broken. My fullness is here.

For you shall feel it deep within your bones.

My fullness is here. Feel the gentle mist of my presence upon your face.

For beyond the point of the squeeze, beyond the point of the wringing, beyond the point of maximum absorption, beyond the point of your ability to absorb and to release is my overflow.

For I flow upon the edge.

This is the work of my hands not yours.

This shall be my handiwork. You shall see the evidence of my hands at work.

Say to your enemy “look out”.

For what is coming is so much more than you hope for.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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