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This is what freedom feels like.

Absence of limitation.

Without restraint.

Without hesitation.

Without permission. With authority.

Beyond expectations.

Better than you expect.

The opposite of disappointed.

An unbatoning of the hatches.

Many options not one option.

Many choices, your choice of many.

Assertive not passive.

Powerful not reactive.

Purposeful not without purpose but on purpose, deliberate, intentional, full of my intent.

Full of my fullness, out of proportion.

Not portioned. Beyond portion. Unrationed. Not rational. Supernatural, not natural.

Mind blowing, not incremental.

Expansive not restrictive.

Unbinding, without binding, releasing, empowering.

Supportive, permissive, with unchecked authority.

I say go for it, explore, go crazy, but my only requirement is that you experience fullness of joy.

Be not half hearted about it, be not on the fence, remove the fence, be without limitation. Be not half baked, experience the fullness of the feast. Be with excess. Be excessive. Go overboard.

Yes that is it, you are getting the idea. Abandon all sense, all security, leave the safety and security of the boat.

Who needs the shore, who needs the sure and certain when you have walked on the water.

Go overboard. Yes seriously go overboard. Get overboard. Get on board with being overboard.

Feel the safety of the fluid, receive the support of the fluid, unrestrained, soft, without foundation, with no capacity, yet full of my capacity.

For this is what freedom feels like.

No limitation.

Supported by my capacity, held by my fullness.

Soaking in it but not overwhelmed.

The opposite of dry and barren, for my flow brings with it fullness. Of course.

Is this not logical? Can I be any clearer for you?

For when you rest your foot on my capacity, my fullness is this not the basis of freedom.

You fear that you will sink and get you know that I will not let you drown.

Have I not proven myself in this respect. Did I not preserve your life for this purpose, on purpose. Now you stand on my purpose. Is this not solid ground enough for you?

Test me in this, but don’t just put your toe in, leave the boat, come away with me. Let’s go for a walk in my fullness, in my capacity.

Care not for the opinions of others, abandon all sense of boundary. Be unlimited in your thinking, better still be unlimited in your action.

This is what I’d like you to do. Get serious about this season. Be without limit. Don’t be SHY about it. Is this not how I made you to be.

You know what I am talking about. For when you are called out you will say it how it is, you will not be shy about it.

For so long you have been in the fetal position, curled up upon yourself, weathering the storm, placing yourself in isolation. Happy to be by yourself. Pushing forward, resisting the darkness, yet confining yourself.

For so long being strong in the place of vulnerability. Yet it has worn you out.

Just be free of it. For have I not called you to be the mighty one? Did I not say ride out oh mighty one with your sword at your side?

Psalms 45:3-4 Gird Your sword upon Your thigh, O mighty One, in Your glory and Your majesty! And in Your majesty ride on triumphantly for the cause of truth, humility, and righteousness (uprightness and right standing with God); and let Your right hand guide You to tremendous things.

This is the time of your calling. No longer confined, no longer bound.

For the captive will set the captors free, the bound shall be released.

For you shall have no boundary. Your territory shall be without boundary.

Is this not what being overboard looks like? For the boat confines and restricts yet the ocean is my playground, my territory, full of my fullness, full of my capacity.

Have I not commanded this blessing!



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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