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Over the Edge

Falling into.

In the place of the fall.

You won’t let go….

Falling into.

In the place of the falling.

For you cannot hold yourself back.

For try as you might, try with all your might, you cannot restrain yourself.

For your heart aches.

You feel it within the depths of your bones.

You feel the rising up within you.

You feel the waves of my love crashing upon you.

You try to hold your breath.

You try to hold me in.

Yet all you do is hold yourself back.

For I am bursting forth.

For that which I have placed within you is bursting forth.

You feel yourself bursting.

You feel on edge, for you are on the edge.

You see it now, don’t you?

The largest cup, the biggest container, filled to capacity, beyond capacity…

For you have reached your capacity to contain me.

For who can approach you?

For who will you permit to touch you?

For you want to stay under the covers.

Yet you are under my cover.

Take my covering and come out from the covers.

It is the time of the revealing, the time of the revelation.

The great reveal.

The greatest revelation.

I know you are so touchy about it.

I know you don’t want to be touched right now.

For you feel this wave of emotion within that is likely to poured out without.

For it oozes out of you, it pours out from you.

It was unexpected, for the one that gave of herself, found herself in receipt.

A subtle thing, but a powerful thing, an indication of what I have placed within you.

For you are my anointed one.

For upon you I have poured out a blessing that cannot be contained, shall not be contained, must flow beyond the edge.

For this is not an ordinary thing.

For what I am doing is not an ordinary thing.

In some ways so easily disregarded, yet for those who receive it shall be life changing.

For it flows from within, like a fountain, like a source, like a river, like a wave of great change, like a unseen, unheard of, an untold thing - now told for the first time.

An unprecedented event, a new thing, a delightful thing, a majestic thing, a fountain of refreshment for my thirsty ones.

I know your favourite song, I know the words off by heart.. it goes like this…

Take me a little closer, take me a little deeper, I want to know you more…

Why is it so surprising that you cannot fathom the depths of my love?

Why is it that you feel like you are drowning in the depths of my love?

Why are you so shy about it?

Why are you so reserved about it?

For I choose whomsoever I desire.

For you are my desire.

For you are so happy to write about your love, the one you love, the one in whom I have placed all my delight, all my glory.

Yet you cannot receive my affection, my desire for you…

You feel like you will fall apart, if you embrace my love right now.

For your pain is so raw, so amplified, so magnified.

Yet how do you feel when your beloved embraces you?

Like nothing else matters, like I am covered by this warm blanket of great love.

So why so reserved for me?

You know the answer Lord, help me with the answer Lord.

So what is it you see? What is it I woke you up with?

The lighting of the path of fire. The passing of the baton, from one generation to the next. From this intimate romantic fire, comes a spark that ignites a generation, a raging fire of passion that overwhelms the land.

For it was so uncomfortable for you when they sang this song, it was so mundane, so much like someone reciting the alphabet to a mature adult.

Set a fire within my bones, that I can’t contain, that I can’t control.

For in that moment you were ablaze, so on fire that the sweat was pouring down your face.

At the moment of manifestation, at the moment of the request, I had already manifested it.

For you it was like Peter walking through the midst of the people praying intently for his release.

What was his response when he came to his senses?

He related to them how the Lord had delivered him.

Delivered to be the deliverer…

Delivered to be the one who delivers.

Delivered to deliver a message of freedom, of hope.

For I shall not be unto you as I was before.

In the season I will pour out all my affection.

I will make a public spectacle of my affection for you.

I will elevate you to the highest place.

I will take you to places you have never been before.

Is this not the commanded blessing?

Allow me, permit me, to come closer, to publicly display my affection for you, to parade you before your enemy.

Did I not say that your enemy will applaud you?

For this shall be no ordinary thing.

For I have hold of you.

Just feel my embrace, just let yourself go, just receive my love, for you are my hearts desire.

For you shall go with my flow.

Repeat after me “let it flow…”

For what is it that I have shown you?

Streams of living water flowing in the barren place, bringing life, bringing vibrance to all that is desolate, all that was forgotten, all that was rejected, all that was abandoned.

For you cannot imagine how your beloved could have been rejected, yet you are happy to stay in the place of dejection.

For my love calls your name, calls you to arise, now wants to show you off, now leads you out.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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