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Outward Bound

Out of bounds.

Out of order.

Without bounds.

Bounding over the boundary.

Standing on the boundary.

Pushing against the boundary.

Expanding the territory.

Pushing back against the enemy.

Against the perimeter.

Establishing a perimeter.

Pushing against that which surrounds you.

Extending the boundary.

Stretching forth the cords of the tent.

Expanding the bounds of your habitation.

Extending the circumference of your circumstance.

Push against it.

Surround that which surrounds you.

Draw a circle around that which speaks against you.

Look again upon that which contains you.

Look again upon that which held you captive.

Look again at that which burns before you.

Look again at that which comes against you.

For this is your land.

This is your possession.

For your enemy burns before you.

For the odds are in your favour.

For my favour inhabits your odds.

For you shall possess that which contained you.

For you shall hold captivity captive.

For your territory expands before you.

Every time you go to place your flag, you find yourself pulling up that which you laid a claim to.

For you see the victory and then the defeat.

The staking of the claim and then the reclaiming of all that you gave to them.

For you think they returned your investment, they devalued that which you held most dear.

For you have gone around these circles before.

An ever increasing circle.

A pattern of circling.

Ever increasing circles.

It looks like an athletics stadium, where all you got was the run around!

Yet you are outward bound.

The rules of man do not apply to you.

For you were born to push the boundary line.

Now you will establish a new path.

One that far extends into the horizon.

For you thought that there was no progress. That you started a thing and then it ended with nothing.

Yet this is what I say unto you.

Micah 7:11
In the day that your walls are to be built [a day for building], in that day shall the boundary be far extended and the decree [against you] be far removed.

For every stake, I have claimed, and every stake I will reclaim.

For even your breath makes a claim.

For when you stand upon the edge and breathe out, even your breath crosses the boundary line.

For it is your destiny to be over the edge.

For you see it now don’t you.

For the wave crests the boundary of the sand on the shore, and this shall not be enough for you.

You think that all the energy that brought the wave here, has now run out. And yet, and yet, and yet this is not so!

For the wind of my favour blows upon the edge, upon the boundary, upon that which stops my flow.

In a moment, in an instant that which flows, rises up upon on the edge, over flows that which contained it.

Like a fountain it splashes over the boundary.

For my love flows upon the edge, overflows the edge, rises over the edge.

Beyond the natural order.

Beyond the order of the natural.

For I am out of order.



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This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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