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A new fit out.

A new outfit.

A new fitting.

A fresh purpose.

A unique purpose.

Full of purpose.

Fit for purpose.

A new out fit.

A new covering.

A fresh covering.

A fresh coat.

A coat of freshness.

The coat of refreshing.

A coat of refreshing.

A stream of refreshing.

A fresh outpouring.

The pouring out of freshness.

An overflow of freshness.

The overfilling of freshness.

The abundance of freshness.

Not stale.

Not expired.

Not past it’s used by date.

The dusting off of the old covering to reveal the fresh fruit. The removal of the old covering to reveal the new fruit. The revealing of that which was never exposed.

The preserved fruit.

The fruit of refreshing.

The taste of refreshment.

The birth of refreshing.

The beacon of refreshment.

Breaking the dam of containment.

Pushing out that which held you in. Letting out.

Releasing that which was destined to be out.

Releasing that which was destined to be poured out.


The place of the turning.

The place of the turning.

The unwinding of that which took the wind out of your sails.

The unwrapping of that which was bound.

The unwrapping of the present.

The unwrapping of the present.

The unwrapping of that which was wrapt.

The unwrapping of that which was foretold.

The unwrapping of that which was untold.

Untold favour.

Untold purpose.

Untold mystery.

Untold blessing.

The unfolding of that which I have told you.

The unfolding of that which needs to be told.

The unravelling of that which was bound.

For you were bound to be free.

You were bound to be wrapt.

You were tied up so that you could be untied.

The release of that which I held captive.

The release of that which is captivating.

The release of freedom.

The announcement of freedom.

The unwrapping of freedom.

The removal of the boundary.

The unlimiting of that which was limited.

The baring of that which bared so much.

The birthing of that which could not be borne.

The fulfilment of that which was promised.

The new coat.

The fresh coat.

The coat of revelation.

The revealing coat.

Tailor made for you.

The uncovering of that which was covered.

The hidden treasure put on display.

A fresh exposure.

A new picture.

A picture of freshness.

The revealing of that which is fresh.

A fresh revelation.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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