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Out of Bounds

Out of Bounds

In the morning.

In the evening.

When I wake up.

When I awake.

When I go to sleep.

Am I here.

In her absence, I am present.

I am not absent.

No need to mark the roll.

No need to check my attendance.

No need to reserve a place for me.

No need to save me a seat.

For wherever you are, I am.

I’m always here for you.

Need a hug? I am always ready to embrace.

When you abandon all sense.

When you tune out that which is physical, what is it that you have left?

When you reach for me, what is it you feel?

The warmth of your embrace, your arms wrapped around me. The tenderness of your touch, the release of your breath, the smile on your face, the gentleness of your touch, the power of your strength, the strength of your power. The lightness of your desire. The mystery of your gaze. The intensity of your focus. The power of your presence. The shift in the atmosphere. The unwrapping of the greatest gift.

New for old replacement.

A departure from the norm.

Anything but ordinary.

Far from the ordinary.


The exception.

The unidentified.

The unidentified pattern.

Out of sequence.

The anomaly.

A break from tradition.

Beyond the norm.

Beyond the ordinary.

It’s time to gear up.

It is time to put on the new gear.

It is time to break free from the shackles.

And here you sit.

And here you sit amidst the chains.

And here you sit amidst the broken chains.

For this is what freedom looks like.

A breaking.

A breaking of that which was broken.

The breaking out.

The bursting forth.

The abandonment of all that limits.

For you shall be without restraint.

For little do they know.

For that which is extraordinary is clothed in that which is ordinary.

Yet it is not as it seems.

For I have placed freedom in your hands.

Little did you know what I meant.

A simple word.

An ordinary word.


For I say unto be released.

I say unto you, “I have released you”.

For without exception.

Make an exception.

For I am made you to be an exception.

I am breaking the rules.

For what purpose does a limit serve?

For what purpose does a rule serve.

Have I not made you to be a ruler?

Yet a ruler without measure.

A ruler without boundary.

A ruler that breaks the rules.

For I have come to establish a new precedent.

For you shall show them how it is done.

For the moment you walk in the room, freedom will reside there.

Did I not appoint you to release the captives. Better still, release the captors.

Establish a new rule.

Set a new precedent.

Establish a new paradigm.

For a shift is coming, and is here now.

A movement.

A step from one dimension to another.

A shift from one dimension, to many dimensions.

Instruct them to come from another angle.

Bring forth another angle, another dimension.

I will show you another dimension.

For I shall show you what is absent.

I shall present before you what is present.

I will empower you to draw it, to draw them in, to draw them out, to establish a new drawing.

For you will feel it within, and without.

They shall notice your absence. They shall comment on your absence, they shall feel the loss. They won’t be able to describe it, but will all comment upon it.

Just as you did, for the one, the unexpected meeting of the one. Where the one met the two. Where the two encouraged the one, and the one impacted the many. Shunning the many, and choosing the one, releasing the power of the one. Did you not comment, rather was it not my words upon your lips?

I feel the presence of the Lord upon you.

And what was the reaction?

”Oh wow” she said, and with such great delight as her eyes welled up. Clearly my words had impacted her so greatly.

Yet you discount your own impact.

You would still rather be “Clark Kent” and be under cover, than come out into the open.

Yet I am taking off the covers.

I am pulling back the covers.

For the fire you see, shall be expressed.

It burns.

For it burns as you let yourself go.

Just let yourself go.

Seriously just release yourself.

For it is time to come out of your shell.

It is time for new birth.

It is time to make your mark.

For what is it you feel in your hands?

Is it not my fire!

For who can tie you up?

Who can restrict my fire?

For my fire is reflected in my desire.

It is emblazoned upon your face.

It is time to release my Fire.

It is time to release my desire.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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